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How To Get Great Body Alignment

Jane Hamilton Pilates
How To Get Great Body Alignment

Back pain and stiffness can be caused by poor body alignment. It is so easy to sit at a desk all day and get into bad habits that will eventually cause you pain. 

Gravity pulls our bodies forward whether we like it or not. It is amazing how we actually manage to stand up and move around all day.

Jane Hamilton is a fully qualified Pilates instructor who has written about the problems caused by poor posture and how you can achieve good body alignment. Along with her article, 'Alignment' she has recorded a great video for you to follow.

By practising Pilates on a regular basis you can remind your body how to keep a good posture and enjoy the benefits of Pilates.  Pilates classes will help you strengthen your core muscles which in turn helps you stand tall.

Why not join Jane for one of her online Pilates classes?   


Jane Hamilton Pilates
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