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What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

Syed Balkhi
What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

Instagram definitely started off as a platform for visual storytelling. But with time it started evolving as a popular marketing platform for businesses. 

So if you have a business of your own, and you’re not using Instagram to market your products and services, you might be missing out. The good thing is that almost every business today has an Instagram profile. Almost all smart entrepreneurs know that Instagram is a powerhouse of engagement.

However, not everyone knows how to get the best results from it. One way of doing it is to know when to post. By posting at the right time you can ensure that your content gets the maximum reach possible. This is important for boosting your visibility, creating brand awareness, and building trust

So what is the best time to post on Instagram? 

Let’s find out. 

What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram

The best time to post on Instagram can vary depending on your specific target audience and the type of content you create. However, there are some general trends that can help you optimize your posting schedule. 

It’s important to note that Instagram's algorithm considers various factors, including engagement, relevance, and recency when showing posts to users. In the following section, let’s look at the best time to post on Instagram by day of the week. 

1. Best Time to Post on Monday

The best times to post on Mondays are typically between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. People often check Instagram during their lunch breaks or when they're easing into the workweek.

So by posting around noon or just before you can catch the attention of users scrolling through their feeds during their break. This time frame falls in the mid-morning to early afternoon, which is generally when people are more active and alert. 

They may be more inclined to engage with content during this time compared to early morning or late afternoon when they may be busier with work or other responsibilities.

2. Best Time to Post on Tuesday 

Just like Mondays, the best times to post on Tuesdays are around 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. People continue to engage with Instagram during work breaks.

Tuesday falls in the middle of the workweek, making it a day when people are typically more focused and active compared to Mondays when they may still be transitioning into the workweek. This can result in higher engagement with your posts.

3. Best Time to Post on Wednesday 

Mid-week, posting between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM is generally effective. Many people use Instagram to break up their workday routine. 

Wednesday is often referred to as "Hump Day" because it's the midpoint of the workweek. People may appreciate a bit of distraction or inspiration during this time, making it a good opportunity for your content to stand out.

4. Best Time to Post on Thursday 

Thursday is often considered one of the best days to post. Aim for times between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. People are looking forward to the weekend and may have more leisure time to engage with content.

Thursdays are often associated with anticipation for the upcoming weekend. Many people are in a positive and relaxed mood as they look forward to a break from work or school. This can make them more receptive to engaging with content on social media, including Instagram.

5. Best Time to Post on Friday

Posting on Fridays is effective between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. As the weekend approaches, people tend to be in a more relaxed and social mindset. 

As the workweek comes to a close, people may have more leisure time on their hands, allowing them to spend more time on social media. This can result in higher engagement rates on Fridays.

6. Best Time to Post on Saturday

Saturdays are often the best day to post on Instagram. If you choose this day as your posting days, consider posting between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM for maximum engagement. 

Many users have free time to browse and interact with content on the weekend. So it can be a good opportunity to grab their attention with some fun and engaging content. 

7. Best Time to Post on Sunday

Sundays are also a good day to post, especially between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. People may be winding down their weekends and catching up on social media.

Sunday is often associated with a more relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, similar to Saturdays. People may be in a positive mood, looking for entertainment, inspiration, or ways to make the most of their day. Posting engaging and inspiring content can resonate well on Sundays.


So there you have it. The best timings to post by each day of the week. By consistently posting at specific times you can establish a routine with your audience. This will help you set expectations for your audience and they will look forward to your content. 

Syed Balkhi
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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