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Victoria Wiley
Marketing Manager at VirtoSoftware.
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Victoria Wiley 2017-06-13

This overview of SharePoint workflow basics highlights the key aspects of workflow usage and the ways to integrate workflows even if you are completely out of coding.What is a workflow in SharePoint?SharePoint workflows are intended for business processes automation and reduce manual operations.

This operation can be easy automated with default SharePoint approval workflow.You can find more SharePoint workflow examples in this article.Before you create SharePoint workflow, you must have an original understanding of key elements in this process.What are the permissions and privacy considerations throughout the process?Who are the users involved in the process?What are the existing documents used within the process?What are the pre-conditions and post conditions of this process?What are the related processes?What are the existing pain points in the process, such as tracking and reporting, forms to fill out, involved users notifications, exception handling?These questions can help you thoughtfully map out the whole process and have a clean and clear structure before you start to create SharePoint workflow.Almost any business process can be organized this way.

The complexity is limited only by your creativity and skills.

And user-friendly SharePoint workflow tools may partially compensate for your lack of skills.Which SharePoint workflow tools can be used?Standard and Enterprise SharePoint Server versions include out-of-the-box workflows, such as collect feedback, approval workflow, etc.. You can associate and set up these default SharePoint workflows with lists and libraries right in your SharePoint.

More complex, custom workflows can be created with additional SharePoint workflow tools such as SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio.Default SharePoint workflowThere are 5 types of ootb SharePoint workflows that can be used for the following business scenarios.SharePoint approval workflow.

This workflow guides a proposed item or document among designated users who have to approve or reject it.SharePoint feedback workflow.

Victoria Wiley 2017-06-13

This overview of SharePoint workflow basics highlights the key aspects of workflow usage and the ways to integrate workflows even if you are completely out of coding.What is a workflow in SharePoint?SharePoint workflows are intended for business processes automation and reduce manual operations.

This operation can be easy automated with default SharePoint approval workflow.You can find more SharePoint workflow examples in this article.Before you create SharePoint workflow, you must have an original understanding of key elements in this process.What are the permissions and privacy considerations throughout the process?Who are the users involved in the process?What are the existing documents used within the process?What are the pre-conditions and post conditions of this process?What are the related processes?What are the existing pain points in the process, such as tracking and reporting, forms to fill out, involved users notifications, exception handling?These questions can help you thoughtfully map out the whole process and have a clean and clear structure before you start to create SharePoint workflow.Almost any business process can be organized this way.

The complexity is limited only by your creativity and skills.

And user-friendly SharePoint workflow tools may partially compensate for your lack of skills.Which SharePoint workflow tools can be used?Standard and Enterprise SharePoint Server versions include out-of-the-box workflows, such as collect feedback, approval workflow, etc.. You can associate and set up these default SharePoint workflows with lists and libraries right in your SharePoint.

More complex, custom workflows can be created with additional SharePoint workflow tools such as SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio.Default SharePoint workflowThere are 5 types of ootb SharePoint workflows that can be used for the following business scenarios.SharePoint approval workflow.

This workflow guides a proposed item or document among designated users who have to approve or reject it.SharePoint feedback workflow.