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yani atika
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yani atika 2018-08-19

testimoni mak urut nasa Many things cause a woman's sex organs to be disturbed.

In addition to routinely doing the right way to clean and treat a woman's sex organs, you should also be aware of the causes of the following vaginal disorders:Hormonal changesIn women who are already going to menopause, the estrogen hormone will decrease.

Changes in levels of these hormones affect the female sex organs.

The lining of the vagina will thin out, and the production of vaginal fluid that functions as a lubricant will also decrease, so that when having sex will hurt.Sex problemsIf you do certain sex movements that are coercive and too strong, or an injury to the pelvis can make the vagina feel uncomfortable.

The occurrence of a sexually transmitted infection can also cause discomfort, even pain during intercourse, or afterwards.StressDon't think stress has nothing to do with the health of a woman's sex organs.

When you are stressed because of anxiety or depression, the desire to have sex is reduced or even disappear altogether.

yani atika 2018-08-19

testimoni mak urut nasa  kami adalah agen nasa yang menyediakan berbagai prodak kecantikan So that the intimate organs do not experience problems, learn and do the right way to clean the female sex organs, like the following:After urinating (BAK) or defecating (BAB), wash with clean water from the front to the back, so that there are no bacteria from the anus that enter the vagina.

If possible, wash with warm water.

After that, dry using a towel, so that the area is not moist.Avoid cleaning the vagina using soap containing perfume.

In some women, deodorizer triggers vaginal irritation.When using a tissue to dry the vagina, choose soft tissue.

Avoid using coarse eating tissue because it has the potential to cause skin irritation in the area, pay attention to not remaining tissue fibers on the surface of the vagina, because it can cause itching and become a means of bacteria and fungi to develop due to dampness.During menstruation, choose a sanitary napkin that does not contain perfume.

Immediately change pads if it's time.

yani atika 2018-08-19

testimoni mak urut nasa Many things cause a woman's sex organs to be disturbed.

In addition to routinely doing the right way to clean and treat a woman's sex organs, you should also be aware of the causes of the following vaginal disorders:Hormonal changesIn women who are already going to menopause, the estrogen hormone will decrease.

Changes in levels of these hormones affect the female sex organs.

The lining of the vagina will thin out, and the production of vaginal fluid that functions as a lubricant will also decrease, so that when having sex will hurt.Sex problemsIf you do certain sex movements that are coercive and too strong, or an injury to the pelvis can make the vagina feel uncomfortable.

The occurrence of a sexually transmitted infection can also cause discomfort, even pain during intercourse, or afterwards.StressDon't think stress has nothing to do with the health of a woman's sex organs.

When you are stressed because of anxiety or depression, the desire to have sex is reduced or even disappear altogether.

yani atika 2018-08-19

testimoni mak urut nasa  kami adalah agen nasa yang menyediakan berbagai prodak kecantikan So that the intimate organs do not experience problems, learn and do the right way to clean the female sex organs, like the following:After urinating (BAK) or defecating (BAB), wash with clean water from the front to the back, so that there are no bacteria from the anus that enter the vagina.

If possible, wash with warm water.

After that, dry using a towel, so that the area is not moist.Avoid cleaning the vagina using soap containing perfume.

In some women, deodorizer triggers vaginal irritation.When using a tissue to dry the vagina, choose soft tissue.

Avoid using coarse eating tissue because it has the potential to cause skin irritation in the area, pay attention to not remaining tissue fibers on the surface of the vagina, because it can cause itching and become a means of bacteria and fungi to develop due to dampness.During menstruation, choose a sanitary napkin that does not contain perfume.

Immediately change pads if it's time.