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What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?

What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?

You have been looking at beautiful black knives and some of them have a black coating on the blade. Everyone wonders if the knife coating will come off with use.

The short answer is, “Yes.”

What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?

Knife coatings are just that — coatings on a hardened steel blade. As you use the knife, the coatings experience friction and abrasion from the materials you are cutting. Eventually you will begin to see scratches in the knife coating.

So you have to determine if that is something you can live with.

Some people cannot abide scratches in the coating. So those people are always better buying a black knife with a satin finished blade because it will continue to have a less scratched appearance.

Other people look at the scratches in the knife coating as a badge of honor for their knife.

What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?
What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?


1.The black layer on the knives is generally to protect the knives from wear. This was originally done by some people who cherished their knives. Later, the color of the knives gradually began to change, but with the change of materials, more The choice is to use black spray paint, which is the most environmentally friendly material in all shells.

2.Black blades typically are designed for tactical, low light situations, such as military combat. Since it also won’t reflect a big glare of sunlight, the coating also draws less attention if you pull it out during the day. I’ve also heard that in blade steels that are prone to rusting, it helps seal the steel from moisture. Finally, a lot of people just like the tactical look that black blades have. So there are probably a few various reasons that people get them.

What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?
What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?

The following introduces the material difference of the tool layer.


This coating commonly referred to as TiN coating. This is an incredibly hard ceramic powder and is often used as a coating on titanium alloys, steel, carbide and aluminum parts to enhance the surface properties of the substrate.

Applied as a PVD or Physical Vapor Deposition, TiN is used for the hardening and protection of cutting and sliding surfaces), and for surgical devices as non-toxic coating. A coating of under 5 micrometers (0.00020 in) is used in most applications. Industrial Knives are applied with the coating to decrease the friction of the blade surface and strengthen the cutting edge against premature wear.


This coating is used in the same applications as TiN coating but performs better in certain applications with it’s higher surface hardness and is commonly chosen when cutting harder materials or forming applications. This coating, overall, provides higher tool life and productivity.

What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?
What is the black coating on knives?Do you like black knives?


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