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Uber Clone Script – The Best Script For Taxi App Development

Graviil Petrov

If you are entrepreneur or business owner and wish to start your ride-hailing business online. Then you will need an Uber Clone Script. A complete on-demand feature loaded Uber App Clone that builds on native Android and iOS platform. Starting your own on-demand taxi app was never so easy unless you find an app development company who can develop taxi app script for you.

Why use Uber clone app?


With Ready Made Uber Clone you can easily start your taxi booking business. An uber clone app has inbuilt features which are available in Uber or other type of taxi apps. Things which you will get in complete uber clone solution are –

  • Driver App
  • Customer App
  • Admin Panel
  • Website


Features of Uber Clone Script

People are preferring taxi services for varied reasons and this gives an opportunity for entrepreneurs. Why develop an app from scratch that costs a fortune when you can avail a customizable Uber clone source code for a cheaper price. Some of the features of uber clone app are-

Book On-Demand or Later Rides: Users can book to ride now or later. The system will automatically process the ride request and dispatch ride later requests to available drivers.

Social Media Integration: Users app is integrated with Social Media like Facebook that allows easy registration, login and sharing ride details.

Secure Payment Systems: The Card information are stored in Vault of Payment Gateway providers (Stripe, Authorize.net). Other detail related to payment is stored in encrypted form in database for secured payment process.



Uber clone app is ready for deployment and installation. All you need is, get it customized and make it available on your website as well as on play stores. Nonetheless, a serious business needs total customization. So, Uber clone app works like a framework and upon this framework, companies build a custom cab booking app for you. The process includes

  • Complete analysis of your requirement
  • Wire framing and designing individual screens to make sure everything looks exactly the way you want.
  • Customization, installation and deployment.
  • Testing on multiple platforms
  • Final deployment
Graviil Petrov
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