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The fight against bed bugs continues in South Carolina

John smith

Bedbugs are small, brown, oval-shaped insects that torment people all over the world. Once your home is infested, these terrible creatures will relentlessly come after your blood in numbers making it extremely uncomfortable and sometimes impossible to sleep. Bedbugs are a real problem in South Carolina and if you want to get rid of them permanently, you must plan well, have all the necessary tools, and have the right pest control specialists to help you. Luckily for you, we are bedbug removal specialists in Greenville SC and Spartanburg SC. We can help you remove bedbugs from your home but before then, here are some measures that you can take on your own:

1. Identify the infested areas

The thing that makes bedbugs so hard to get rid of is that they are super quick at reproducing. To prevent their spread, you need to find them early and kill them before they lay eggs all over the place. Their bodies easily fit into any tiny crevices so you must be thorough in your search. You should see dark spots, pale yellow eggs, or a random bedbug walking around the infested area.

2. Contain the infestation

You need to keep your bedbugs contained so that you can get rid of them. Start by running your vacuum over all possible hiding spots; your bed, carpets, dresser, electronics, among others. Seal the vacuumed contents in a plastic bag and dispose of it, then clean the vacuum cleaner thoroughly. Seal up all the linens and infested clothes in plastic bags until you wash them. Bedbugs love to hide in clothes, so make sure all your clothes are in plastic bags until proven to be bedbug-free.

3. Prepare for bedbug treatment To maximize the odds of success, you need to do some prep work before treating your home. After cleaning your clothes, carpets, and drapes, get rid of common bedbug hiding places. Declutter your home, seal up any open areas, caulk cracks in furniture, and tape up any open electrical outlets.

4. Kill them all

There are many ways to kill bedbugs. Some require special equipment; others require special insecticides while others require professionals. You may use a steamer to kill bedbugs on your couches, mattresses, and other hiding spots. You may also try chemical treatments such as pyrethrins, pyrroles, neonicotinoid, desiccants or bug bombs. You may also try chemical-free, oil-based insecticides that work well against bedbugs.

5. Call the pros As you can see, there's a whole lot of things that must be done to completely get rid of bedbugs in your home or apartment. You also need some special tools and chemicals. Most people don't have such tools at home, or the skills needed to remove bedbugs completely. We exist for such people. Let us use our vast knowledge, experience, and highly specialized tools to come up with a permanent solution for your bedbug problem. Our methods are tested, proven and perfected; we will never leave any bedbug alive. We did not become the top bedbug removal company in Greenville SC and Spartanburg SC by accident. Hire us and find out why. For more details click here:- bed bugs treatments Duncan and pest control Spartanburg sc, https://www.1stchoicepestcontrol.net

John smith
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