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Nuclear Plant Life Extension (PLEX) Market, Update 2018 - Global Market Size, Average Cost, Trends, and Key Country Analysis to 2030

Samaira Acharya
Nuclear Plant Life Extension (PLEX) Market, Update 2018 - Global Market Size, Average Cost, Trends, and Key Country Analysis to 2030

Nuclear Plant Life Extension (PLEX) Market, Update 2018 - Global Market Size, Average Cost, Trends, and Key Country Analysis to 2030



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"Nuclear Plant Life Extension (PLEX) Market, Update 2018 - Global Market Size, Average Cost, Trends, and Key Country Analysis to 2030", is the latest market analysis report from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist.


The report provides a clear overview of and detailed insight into the global nuclear PLEX market. It explains the key drivers and challenges affecting the market and provides data covering historic and forecast nuclear PLEX market size, globally, and in nine key nuclear power markets - US, Canada, France, UK Spain, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Japan, and Republic of Korea.


The report uses data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research, and in-house analysis by GlobalData’s team of industry experts.




- Wind power market study at global level and at key country level covering nine key countries in depth, and another 13 smaller nuclear PLEX markets.

- Coverage of the key growth drivers and challenges related to each country’s PLEX market, and the influence of the environment and the country’s economy on the market.

- Historic (2010-2017) and forecast (2018-2030) data for cumulative and annual installed nuclear power capacity and generation is provided at global and key country level.

- The number and capacity of reactors starting PLEX each year during the historic and forecast periods.

- Capital cost and market size data at key country and global level.


Reasons to buy


The report will allow you to -

- Facilitate decision-making by providing historical and forecast data in the nuclear PLEX market.

- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the PLEX market.

- Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry’s growth potential.

- Maximize potential in the growth of the PLEX market

- Identify key partners and business-development avenues.

- Respond to business structure, strategy and prospects.

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