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Denmark draw hands Republic Of Ireland advantage in Euro Cup 2020 Qualifying

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Denmark draw hands Republic Of Ireland advantage in Euro Cup 2020 Qualifying

The Republic of Ireland got the advantage in qualifying for Euro 2020 thanks to Denmark’s draw with Georgia.

Sports enthusiasts from around the world can purchase the Republic of Ireland Euro Cup Tickets online to enjoy its stunning performances.

Georgia defeated Irish rivals Group D in Tiblisi in a draw that could have a significant impact on the qualifying campaign.

This result means that Mick McCarthy’s team remains two points behind the Danes, as both teams have played five games in the group so far.

Next month, they will travel to Georgia on October 12 before playing against Switzerland in Geneva three days later.

They will welcome the best Swiss team, next month, in a match that they must now certainly win.

Denmark struggled to dismantle a resolute team from Georgia who had their own chances to open the scoring.

Football fans can get Euro Cup Tickets through our trusted online ticketing marketplace. EuroTickets2020.com is the most reliable source to book Euro 2020 tickets.

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