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Lighting Delightful First Responder 42075 Set

Baker emily
Lighting Delightful First Responder 42075 Set

To pay homage to these social workers, the Lego Technic series has the stunning First Responder 42075 model in bright red, black and blue color scheme.

Still, in unfortunate cases, you are free to return and replace within a week of delivery.

No need to be disappointed if you have less or zero knowledge of electrics because the illustrated instruction manual with installation steps written in universal language will make your job easy.

You will also get the user guide book that helps in latter installation while the after-sale card offers manufacturer guarantee for 2 years.

The Lego light kit comes with two warm white 15cm LEDs, four white 15cm LEDs, two red 15cm LEDs, four yellow 15cm LEDs, and four blue 15cm LEDs.

There are sixteen Lego bricks in random colors which you can include in the model for customization before setting up the lights.

Baker emily
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