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5 Reasons Guinea Pigs make the Best ESA Choice

Lidia Smith
5 Reasons Guinea Pigs make the Best ESA Choice

Looking for a small and easy to manage emotional support animal? Guinea pigs are short tailed rodents and are great for many first time pet and ESA owners. These are considered as exotic animals since there are a few households that have them.

However, getting a guinea pig as an ESA follows the same procedure and diligence as you must ask for an emotional support animal letter sample to check it through.

What makes them greta pets and ESAs? The following 05 reasons.

1.Guinea Pigs and Healthy

Overall, guinea pigs are healthy and if cared for properly, they could avoid a number of diseases. Just like other animals, some diseases like bladder stones and dental diseases are common in them. But, they could be prevented with proper care and nutrition. Also, keeping them indoors is not a problem as they are usually from colder climates and not very good at handling the sunlight like our beloved Coco.

2.They are Great for Kids

Kids love small animals that they could pet and play with and a guinea pig passes the test with flying colors. They are not as delicate as rabbits nor are they super excited like hamsters or other rodents. They are happy to be petted and make excellent ESAs for children. However, do not leave it alone with the kids for long and supervise them closely.

3.They have Longer LifeSpans

Guinea pigs have a longer lifespan than other rodents. Hamsters, rats and gerbils usually live for two to three years while a guinea pig could easily reach the age of five to seven years. Reportedly, some have even crossed ten years, when considering them, you must be sure if your could look after it for this long.

4.Guinea Pigs ‘Pop’

Surprised? Young guinea pigs pop like popcorn when they are happy and excited. The behavior is quite unique and it sure is a joy to watch them going straight up into the air over and over. Besides, they also run forward and backward and kick out their front and hind legs alternatively to show their excitement. A truly unique personality, right?

5.They come in a Variety of Colors

Guinea pigs come in a variety of colors and there are a number of breeds to choose from. They are short-haired, long-haired and you can even get a hairless guinea pig. There are numerous color patterns and schemes and as per the American Cavy Breeders Association, guinea pigs come in 13 breeds and 10 colors.

Guinea pigs are adorable little creatures that love to be around you and once you know them, we are sure that you will also love to be around them.

Besides being low maintenance, they are great for the people who are dealing with stress and need someone to keep them company. Make sure you have a esa letter sample for your ESA. Plus, you will not have to take them for walks also, just stay indoors in your guinea pig and enjoy the company.


Lidia Smith
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