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Top 10 things to do in Thionville

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Top 10 things to do in Thionville

In case you need to remind that the relationship between France and Germany heaven is always intimate, go to Thionville in the Grand Est Region.

see more: Top 10 things to do in thionville

The town, near the Luxembourg border, has been under intense debate since its inception and has witnessed six sieges in just 500 years. The more recent conflicts between the nations have left the landscape littered with fortresses, some built when Lorraine was annexed by Germany and others part of the ambitious French Maginot Line. Thionville was loaded into the heavy industry after the war, and although iron mines and steel plants were deposited in the past, their memories were kept in museums and gardens. Discover the best things to do in Thionville.

1. Ouvrage Hackenberg

Top 10 things to do in Thionville 11

If you want somewhere to start a tour of the Maginot Line, turn it into a rural fortress east of Thionville. The Ouvrage Hackenburg never faced a frontal assault, so the concrete shell and labyrinth of underground tunnels are still intact.

One of the blocks here has been restored to working order, and you’ll take the elevator to the bowels of the fortress and ride on the electric train that serviced these tunnels.

The tour is exhaustive, demonstrating the working gun turrets and explaining every technical detail you could want to know, including how the tunnels were cleverly designed to extract smoke and gas.

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