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Nepal: A Place For Spiritual Awakening, Rich of God Gifted Nature Beauty

Tours Zoo
Nepal: A Place For Spiritual Awakening, Rich of God Gifted Nature Beauty

Are you looking forward to a family vacation or a solo trip in the hills? There could be no better place than going to the Himalayas. And when we talk about the Himalayas, what can be better than visiting Nepal. It is a country settled mostly in the Himalayas only. Nature is untouched at places for you to go and explore. The Nepal tour is perfect for spiritual wakening and some adventure sports as well. So whatever you may be looking for in your trip you will get it here in Nepal.

Kathmandu is the capital and only metropolitan city. You will get fights to Kathmandu easily from around the world. While being culturally enriched and spiritually awakened you will get all modern facilities to make your stay comfortable. There are good hotels and food available. Remember to pre-book

Luxury Nepal Vacation package to avoid any last moment hassles. There are many best visiting places in Nepal present in Kathmandu itself. So you can have a glimpse of the whole country from the city of Kathmandu itself if you do not wish to go further.



Tourist attractions in Nepal:

  • Boudhnath stupa: it is believed to be the largest stupa in Asia. This is dedicated to Lord Buddha. The white dome shape is significant to the entire Kathmandu. There are 108 statues of Lord Buddha at the base of the stupa. Thronged equally by people of all faith, a round of the stupa base has religious importance. Huge eyes of Buddha have been painted on the exterior of the stupa, symbolizing that he is looking at all from above even after his demise.
  • Pashupatinath temple: devoted to Lord Shiva it is the holiest shrine for Hindus in Nepal. Devotees come here all the year round and especially on the occasion of Mahashivratri. Located on the banks of Bhagmati river the temple has a vast area covered comprising of many smaller temples and ashrams too.
  • Swayambhunath temple: it is located on the hilltop of Semgu hill. The stupa has been standing there for many years. According to a legend it has come up on its own, hence the name. It is the holiest shrine for people of faith alike.
  • Thamel: it is the city centre where you can find good food and do some shopping. This place feels alive even at night. There are prayer flags adorning all the streets giving it a unique sound of itself as if the streets are calling out.
  • Swapna bageecha: translates to the garden of dreams. The aura and ambience of the garden will make you feel like living a beautiful dream. There are ponds of flowers, the landscape is amazing and flowers of rare species can be seen here.
  • Pokhara: it the base city for Annapurna circuit trekking.

The activities that you can undertake at these places are meditation, shopping, trekking etc. For those people who want more than just city life can easily escape into the lush green hills and feel Mother Nature from close. You can go in for trekking or even have a camp with Tours Zoo. There are many famous treks for professional mountaineers also available. Just be careful to pack a few extra clothes as it gets chilly in the evenings and at night.

Tours Zoo
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