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Executive PGDM in Hyderabad

kavitha ram
Executive PGDM in Hyderabad

An Executive PGDM or EPGDM is a diploma program in management for working executives seeking to give their career a boost. The Executive PGDM in Hyderabad is designed keeping in mind that the executives who opt for EPGDM already possess the basic know-how of organizations and the business scenario and they only want to add managerial skills to their present knowledge. The EPGDM program combines the experience of the students along with the course curriculum and the executives present also learn from each other by sharing their experiences. During the course of the program, the students gain new skills and sharpen their analytical abilities. There are Full-time (2 years) programs that an executive can opt for. In the Part-Time Programs, the classes are either in the evenings or weekends enabling the students to attend the program. This flexible nature makes the EPGDM Program an extremely popular course

kavitha ram
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