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Natural Cure For Hypertension

Jessy Meshak
Natural Cure For Hypertension

It seems that this magic little Blood Balance Formula Review  Blood Balance Formula Review  vegetable named garlic that has been used medicinally for a thousand years, has recently been found to be responsible for causing red blood cells to release Hydrogen Sulfide H2S into the blood stream. Hydrogen Sulfide leads to the relaxation of blood vessels which in turn lowers blood pressure.

The equivalent of two garlic cloves relaxed the blood vessels of a study group on garlic, by 72%. If you have hardened arteries or other blood vessels can you see where this might be beneficial. But there's more. H2S also protects the heart from cell and tissue damage commonly seen after a heart attack; and there is proof that the polysulfides in garlic encourages the body to produce H2S.

One more important benefit to people with high blood pressure is garlic's role in preventing the aggregation pf platelet's in the blood stream. In other words it fights the plaque and blockages that can cause a stroke or heart attack.

The garlic's role in controlling blood pressure is just another example of how natural foods can help heal our body. Hypertension and high blood pressure are serious conditions that affect 1 in 5 Americans and kills 50,000 directly each year. Treating it is essential if you expect to live out a normal life.


Jessy Meshak
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