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The Rise of Hollywood, 1900-1929

Aalia william
The Rise of Hollywood, 1900-1929

It took a few years for the twentiethCyaBags Reviewcentury to take hold of the Western world, but when it did, there was no turning back. The beginning part of the new century saw women becoming increasingly independent and increasingly active. This was apparent in both their attitude toward skincare and their attitude toward health in general. Even before the automobile took off, newfangled modes of transportation were en vogue. Women would hike up their skirts so they could ride bicycles through town. Going to the beach was also popular, although women rarely bathed in public and were very careful to keep their skin shaded from the sun. Nevertheless, exercise, diet and fresh air were all considered to be part of a healthy beauty regimen.

As women explored their independence, using cosmetics became an increasingly political practice. Most makeup was still seen as immodest and proper ladies were supposed to avoid it. In 1912, however, a group of suffragettes marched through the streets of New York campaigning for the American woman's right to vote. Each of them had brightly painted lips, a symbol of their independence and their refusal to conform to society's view of propriety. Three years later, lipstick was mass manufactured and sold at reasonable prices to the public. Every woman wanted a piece of the revolutionary action.

Style of the Silver Screen By the end of World War I, women had earned more independence than ever. Not only had they held down the fort while the men were off fighting the war, but they had made some money doing it. The 1920's was a time of jubilation in Europe and North America. For the first time in centuries, the human body was seen as something to be celebrated and women began to dress accordingly. Skirts became shorter and clothing was made from loose materials that clung more readily to the body and sparkled in the low electrical light of the jazz clubs, cabarets and speakeasies. Women began to see themselves as glamorous instead of proper and they modeled themselves on their favorite silent-era film stars. Women began using a number of skincare products to achieve this new look. Razors were a mandatory part of every fashionable powder room. For the first time, women began to shave their legs and underarms religiously.



Aalia william
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