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The Features that Make up an On-demand Food Delivery App

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The Features that Make up an On-demand Food Delivery App

Food delivery apps are the need of the hour nowadays. The impact of coronavirus has made restaurants transform to delivery outlets. People, too, fear to step out of their homes. On-demand food delivery apps are delivering food packages to people’s doorsteps. Food delivery apps are seeking people’s attention more than ever. With the market flourishing, this is the right time to develop an on-demand food delivery app. UberEats clone can be launched instantly in the market. A food delivery app is entitled to have certain features. Let us discuss them here. 

A food delivery app consists of various panels that enable seamless workflow. They include, 

  • User app
  • Delivery person app
  • Restaurant app

Features of the User app: 

  • Registration: Users, upon downloading the app, register in the app via different social media handles. This is usually a single step registration. 
  • Search by category/filter options: Users can search for different restaurants and different food items in the app. An advanced filter option can guide them in the app.
  • Order placing: Users, after adding varied food items to the cart, can place the order. 
  • Real-time tracking: Users get to know the exact status of their food packages with the real-time tracking facility. This facility provides an estimated time of arrival of delivery persons to the destination. 
  • Payment options: Users can pay via a multitude of payment options including, credit, debit cards, digital wallets, etc. 
  • Ratings and Reviews: Users can share their experience regarding the food or the delivery personnel in the form of ratings and reviews. 

Features of Delivery person app: 

  • Availability toggle: Delivery persons can toggle between their availability with this feature. This provides the delivery persons, the option to serve people during their free hours. 
  • Accept/Reject requests: Delivery persons can accept or reject any requests based on their interests. This prevents the overburden of delivery persons. 
  • Push Notifications: Delivery persons needn’t access the app every time. Push notifications can provide them instant updates regarding requests. 

Features of the Restaurant app: 

  • Availability toggle: Restaurants, too, can toggle between their availability with this feature. This prevents undesirable situations wherein the restaurant picks up orders when they are not functioning. 
  • Order Management: With this feature, different orders made to the restaurants are managed by restaurant executives. They get to know the location of delivery persons, etc.
  • Advanced scheduling options: With this feature, restaurants can schedule bookings from users for the future. Notifications can remind them of scheduled orders. 

Summing up, 

It is essential for a food delivery app to contain these essential features. People are looking for alternate ways of accessing restaurants in this quarantine season. A food delivery app can cater to the needs of the people. So, capitalize on the moment and thrive in the potential food delivery market.

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