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Tips to Engage Your Audience with Facebook Live

John Simth
Tips to Engage Your Audience with Facebook Live

In 2016, the most famous social networking platform, Facebook launched a Video Streaming Service named Facebook Live for its users. This live video streaming service enables its users to broadcast from the mobile devices that let them stay connected with their friends and family more closely. Facebook has always been the most popular social networking site. With its recent and latest features, it has now a large number of users from all over the world. Its live video streaming feature has gained a lot of popularity since its launch. While broadcasting their videos, users can decide who they want to show their live videos. With Facebook Live, you can show all your real talents to the people in real-time and engage your audience and much more. Ever wonder what’s the reason for its popularity? Well, it’s simple. Facebook Live is the greatest way to increase your involvement in socializing and grow your following. 


Now, this article will provide you some tips and tricks that will help you to engage your audience in your live streaming videos and will make you a Facebook Live Pro:

Tips And Tricks to Follow Before Going Live On Facebook

Promoting Before Broadcasting

Your content must be promoted before broadcasting. The live videos on Facebook are like any event than any normal blog post. You should promote your event first to develop interests among viewers to get a great response from them before broadcasting. Remember when you remind your viewers, don’t forget to share something new with them to maintain their interests. It’s important to promote your event before and after broadcasting to make your streaming successful. 

Pre Show Before Going Live

It is possible that sometimes your viewers won’t show up right at the starting of your streaming video even after announcing your live video. In that case, you should prepare a pre-show to gather an audience for your live streaming event. Don’t jump at the center of your content at the starting of your video. Go live 15-20 minutes before your scheduled time to let people gather for your event as they get a notification. In simple words, don’t start your event until a decent amount of the audience gathers for your event. 

Response And Interaction With Your Audience

One of the main benefits that Facebook Live Streaming features provides you is that it enables you to directly connect with your fans and friends while going live. It allows you to interact in real-time with your friends right at the time of your live streaming. It makes you feel like you are as close to your people as you can interact face to face with them without actually meeting them. It’s not necessary to respond to each of the comments, but it makes your audience feel appreciated. 

 Use Other Platforms to Promote Your Live Events

Why promote your event only on a single platform when you can use several other platforms also to promote? You can promote your events on several other social networking platforms other than Facebook for increasing your audience. You can post links of your live streaming on all other platforms so that your audience does not miss anything at all. Sharing a countdown to your videos has become such a trend now. You can also try this to make people aware of your activity. 

 Give a Clear Description to Your Audience Before Broadcasting

You must give a clear description to your audience about the content that you are about to share with them. This will give them an idea of what you are going to discuss in your live video. So, make sure to take some time and prepare a summary that can give a small description of the content that you will share with your audience.

So, these were some of the tips and tricks that will help you to be a Facebook live pro among your followers. Go on and try connecting with your people and let them know what’s on your mind. 

John Smith is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Davis has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as Office.com/setup.

John Simth
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