The movie has garnered a lot of attention and love from the masses, primarily because the lead actor is a good looking man. But for the rest of us, the toxic and misogynistic overtone paired with Stockholm syndrome undertone did not resonate very well. So, instead of watching it and losing 50% of your sane brain-cells, here are series (in no particular order) you should rather watch than this movie:




● Schitt's Creek



The series revolves around a family of 4 who was a millionaire, but entrusting their money in the wrong hands left them penniless. Confused and distraught, their only resort is to live in a small, backward and weird town that they had bought as a joke. Their quirky personalities and their attempts to fit in this town are just hilarious.



● Marlon



I strongly believe that this show deserves to get way more clout than it does. Marlon Wayne is a divorced YouTuber with two kids, but the couple decides to have a "cool" breakup. Marlon's eccentric behavior, his constant banter with his ex-wife's best friend, and his careless attitude is a treat to watch. Though the show got canceled after only two seasons, it's still worth a watch.



● The OA



This show may seem a little slow at first, but anybody who has a soft spot for scientific theories will find it fascinating. It deals with an alternate reality, multiple universes, and multiple dimensions. A scientist obsessed with jumping dimensions discovers that a person who has had a near-death experience can skip dimensions once they die in the present reality. The way the concepts are molded to fit the show and how it is susceptible to interpretations by the audience proves gripping.



● Pose



Pose is a show that takes you back to the 70s and puts forth the struggle for identity, acceptance, and emotional balance that a group of people feel in a world where they are openly out-casted and shunned.



● Ragnarok



It is the latest writing style adopted by authors like Dan Brown and Rick Riordan where they take a religious Mythology or historic story/belief and twist it in a way that fits in the present. Ragnarok follows similar story-telling lines. Originally a Norwegian show, it clubs the modern world and its issues with the Greek mythology. Magne moves to his parents' birth town and soon starts to feel different. The show slowly establishes this lead actor as an embodiment of Thor while portraying the town's rich family as the giants responsible for the town's extreme pollution. The seamless merging of myth and truth is just outstanding.



● Space Force



You must be living under a rock if you did not know about this show that released in June 2020. Our beloved Steve Carrell is a military man put responsible for creating and deploying a space force. Still, the roadblocks by China and technological issues make it harder than you can imagine. His constant struggle between family and work is worth every minute.



● Big Mouth



One of the very initial animated series that I saw, Big Mouth, is a very educational yet funny show that deals with why new teens, their regular hormonal issues, emotional turmoil, and curiosity that they come across.



● One-Punch Man



Where are all my anime lovers at?! One Punch Man is the most hilarious and sarcastic show I have ever seen. A self-made hero, who got his strength just by regular workout and diet, is so strong that he defeats all his opponents in just one punch, which leaves him miserable because he is bored of winning every-time. The man is as goofy and bizarre as the plotline sounds.



● Kim's Convenience



This one bases itself in Canada, unlike almost all the other shows on this list that have their basis on American lives. A Korean family that lives in Canada comprises traditional parents and second-generation kids, both the generations viewing the world with a different perspective. Their differences and their love for each other give you a cute show to watch filled with little laughs and sweet gestures amongst family members as their token of appreciation.

John Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.