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A Quick Look at the Symptoms of Staph Infections

daniel mann

Staph, or staphylococcus infection, is caused by staphylococcus bacteria, which is commonly found on the skin or in the nose. Generally, the bacteria do not cause any serious problems and may lead to some kind of skin infection. However, staphylococcus bacteria can be very dangerous if they enter the bloodstream or affect the joints, bones, lungs, or heart. In some cases, staph infections can be life-threatening too. That is why it is important to know about its symptoms and see a doctor as soon as you develop a staph infection.

Symptoms of Staph Infections

The signs and symptoms of staph vary greatly depending upon the location as well as the severity of the infection. Below is a quick look at the various symptoms caused by staph infections.

Skin Infections

The most common skin infection caused by staphylococcus infection is the boil, which develops in an oil gland or hair follicle. The skin in the infected area also swells up and becomes red. Boils generally occur around the groin region or under the arms.

Another skin infection caused by staph is impetigo. It leads to painful rashes with large blisters, which may seep fluid and have a honey-colored crust. In some cases, a staph infection can also cause cellulitis, an infection of the deeper layers of the skin. It leads to swelling and redness on the skin surface and may develop sores as well.

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is a common skin infection caused by the bacteria in infants and kids. It leads to fever and the development of rashes and blisters in the affected area. If the blisters break, the top skin layer goes off and leaves a burn-like raw surface.

Food Poisoning

Staphylococcus infection can also lead to food poisoning and cause a series of symptoms in the patient. The signs may be noticeable within a few hours of the infection and last for around half a day. The usual symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, and low blood pressure.

Bloodstream Infection

Bloodstream infection, or bacteremia, is caused when staphylococcus enters the bloodstream of the patient. It can then lead to fever and low blood pressure, gradually traveling to deep within the body. This may affect the bones and muscles, internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, and brain, as well as surgically implanted devices like pacemakers.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Some strains of the staphylococcus bacteria can release many types of toxins and cause toxic shock syndrome. The common symptoms of the condition include high fever, nausea, vomiting, confusion, muscle pain, diarrhea, stomachache, and rashes developing on the palms and soles.

Septic Arthritis

Staph infections can also cause septic arthritis by targeting the shoulders, hips, knees, and fingers or toes of the patient. Common signs of the condition include fever and severe pain and swelling in the affected joint.

daniel mann
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