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Ram’s RED joins Sankranthi Race | Manacinema Movie Updates | Tollywood Cinema News

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Ram’s RED joins Sankranthi Race | Energetic Star Ram is riding high with the super success of his last film Ismart Shankar. The film was a smashing hit and Ram completed the shoot of his next film RED which is an action entertainer. Kishore Tirumala is the director and Malavika Sharma, Nivetha Pethuraj are the leading ladies. Ram will be seen in a dual role in RED which was announced for summer release this year.


With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the film’s release got delayed. Despite of other films heading for a digital release, Ram and the makers of RED decided to release the film in theatres. Ram today announced that RED will have a Sankranthi release next year. Sri Sravanthi Movies are the producers and Manisharma is the music composer. Ram’s look and the teaser received decent response from the audience.


Know More: https://www.manacinema.com/2020/12/21/rams-red-joins-sankranthi-race/

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