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Website Performance Optimization

Website Performance Optimization

Website performance optimization refers to the rate at which web pages are viewed and downloaded by the user on the computer user's internet browser. Web performance optimization, otherwise known as website optimization, is the discipline of knowledge regarding improving website performance. The optimization of websites pertains to techniques that enable websites to be used more efficiently by users of search engines as well as internet services providers such as email servers and hosts.


There are basically two types of website performance optimization; server side and client side. Server side caching has become very popular over the past few years due to its increased efficiency. This form of website performance optimization utilizes on-demand or non-maintenance freezing of a portion of a webpage when new data or updates are received that change previous states. On the other hand, client-side optimization utilizes a cache-control mechanism that is implemented on the client (the computer where the website is installed) that determines how much data a cache can contain while keeping a cache friendly outlook on the overall system. A cache-control mechanism is very similar to that of the browser cache that is used by the internet user to guide him or her to a specific site or page whenever he or she needs to access information from it.


Search engine optimization is an important website performance optimization technique that mainly helps visitors to track and monitor their search results and rank them according to certain criteria set by them. In particular, the ranking of the website is determined by various factors such as; how many visitors the site has and how many pages are available for them to view. Other significant factors are also the page rank, links to external sites, incoming links, internal links and the keywords that were used to conduct a search. This technique is extremely helpful to site owners as well as web developers because it enables them to obtain useful information on how to improve their site speed and page ranking in search engines.

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