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3d printed photo lamp

3d printed photo lamp

The technology behind the 3d printed photo lamp is truly revolutionary. It allows the photo to be printed on a translucent, see-through material that can be projected onto any flat surface. This means that you no longer have to settle for a dull, paper-based photograph as your new 'lamp' shines forth with all the colors of the rainbow.

 custom photo moon lamp

Photographers have been able to benefit from this technology since the advent of digital photography in the eighties, but it was until recently that they could capture photos using such techniques. A simple example of how this is applied can be seen in the work of photographer Annie Leibovitz, who produced a series of lamps in the style of a painting. One particular lamp in particular, called Sleep is displayed in a display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. This particular lamp incorporates a myriad of colors and shapes, as well as multiple lens flares. This is the type of photo that would appear to have been created through digital photography, except that the image is real.

 3d printed photo lamp

This application may seem like a trivial way to improve upon a photography product, but the results are anything but. The creation of this particular photo lamp gives Leibovitz a platform from which she can explore a multitude of materials that will result in lamps that are both unique and innovative. At the time of this writing, Leibovitz has already completed two additional lamps, entitled Memories of Paris and Memories of Tel Aviv. Each of these lamps showcases Leibovitz's distinctive style and the vision that come with each one. You will want to purchase one or more of these masterpieces when they are released this summer.

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