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React vs. Angular: A complete confrontation

olivia cuthbert
React vs. Angular: A complete confrontation

React vs. Angular: A complete confrontation

React vs. Angular is still a hot topic in 2021; React, and AngularJS are advanced and widely used JavaScript (JS) technologies to create interactive Single Page Applications (SPA). The number of JS tools for rapid single-page application development is continually growing, making it increasingly difficult for web developers to decide which technology to go for.


Comparison of React and AngularJS

Both React and AngularJS are currently being used by many companies, news, and travel agencies in the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, etc. AngularJS has been included in almost every JavaScript framework. This model-view-controller framework is prevalent among web developers.

React is a library, not a framework, but is still the most widely used by JavaScript programmers. So why has React become so popular? And how can we reasonably compare the framework (AngularJS) with the library (React)?


Comparison between React and Angular


Difference between AngularJS (framework) and React (library) are "componentisation", "data binding", "performance", "dependency resolution", "directives" and "templates". Let's examine each of these aspects individually.





The object called $scope in AngularJS is responsible for the model part. AngularJS has many standard services, factories, controllers, directives, and other components that can be very time-consuming for JavaScript developers at first. AngularJS has many traditional benefits, factories, controllers, chargers, and other features that can take some time for a JavaScript developer to master for the first time.

AngularJS divides the application code into several files. E.g., if you want to create a reusable component with directives, controllers, and templates, you need to write each code in a separate file.AngularJS directives represent the template logic of the application. Templates are HTML extended with AngularJS directives, usually written as tags and attributes. We also add a controller to provide the $ambit and context needed for the template. The controller also writes in a separate file. Modularising your application in this way allows you to reuse models and components in other parts of your website.



Facebook, the React creator, has chosen a different architecture than AngularJS and other similar MVC frameworks. In short, there is no "right" framework for apps built with React.

React is a great JavaScript library that helps you update the user's view. However, React still doesn't allow us to build our applications. The library lacks a model layer and a controller layer. To fill this gap, Facebook introduced Flux, which now offers many variants to control an application's workflow.

React offers a straightforward and efficient way to build component trees; building an app from React components is like building a JavaScript program from functions.

The code written in React is logically structured and easy to read, thanks to components' availability. The React library does not require you to write specific code, although it suggests using JSX (a special XML-like syntax) to create classes and templates. You can also write simple JavaScript and HTML, making it easier for JavaScript developers to adapt to React applications, as they don't have to learn an unknown syntax.

React offers a freedom that AngularJS does not. However, this freedom comes at the cost of extra time spent on designing the application framework. Before starting a new project, you need to think about which tool to use; this can be tedious when choosing one of the 100 options to solve a single task.


Linking Reaction and Angle Data


AngularJS uses bi-directional data link to link values from the Document Object Model (DOM) between controllers, i.e., when a user interacts with a <input> field and provides a new value application, only is the view updated, model updated as well. The bi-directional data link is advantageous for AngularJS. You don't have to invent a way to track your application changes and modify your JavaScript code accordingly.

The disadvantage of Angular's bi-directional data link approach is that it harms performance; AngularJS automatically creates an observer for each link. During development, you may clutter your applications with too many monitors for the linked elements.

Take action

But what makes React better than AngularJS in terms of datalink? React uses a unidirectional data link, i.e., means that you can only direct the data flow in one direction. It is always clear that data changed should be noted with ReactLink, bi-directional data coupling available in React before version 15.


To implement unidirectional data flow in React, Facebook created its application architecture called Flux. Flux controls the data flow for React components through a single control point, the dispatcher. The Flux dispatcher receives an object (they call it an action) and passes it to the appropriate shop, which then updates itself. When the update is complete, the view changes accordingly and sends the new movement to the dispatcher. The action can only be transferred to the shop once it is fully updated. With this concept, Flux improves the performance of the database. From our experience, we can say that Flux is very efficient when dealing with dynamically updated data.


React's unidirectional data flow keeps complexity in check. It's much easier to debug standalone components of large React applications than AngularJS applications of the same size.


React vs. Angular




There are a couple of questions to consider when it comes to AngularJS. As mentioned earlier, Angular 1.x and based on a bi-directional data channel. This concept relies on "dirty checking," a mechanism that can make our AngularJS application lag.

When we link HTML values to our template, AngularJS creates a browser for each link to track DOM changes. When the browser updates (gets dirty), AngularJS compares the new value to the initial (bound) value and runs the $digest loop. In this loop, $digest checks the deals that changed and all other tracked matters by browsers which is why performance will suffer significantly if too many people monitor your application.


This drawback is even more painful when multiple values (Views) depend on each other. When AngularJS notices that a change to another caused a change to one value, it stops the current $digest loop and restarts it.


The loop doesn't stop until it checked all views and made the necessary changes to both the theory and the model. In principle, we can bind the <input> field to different ideas and templates. When a user enters new data into a lot, the change may not be immediately noticeable.


Another drawback of the AngularJS framework is the way it handles the DOM. Unlike React, AngularJS applies changes from the actual DOM in the browser. When the virtual DOM is updated, the browser must change many internal values to represent the new DOM which also harms software production.

Insufficient production is the main reason why Angular 2 supporters have redesigned the way Angular changes application state. Angular 2  and recent versions of the Angular 4 framework also offer server-side rendering and unidirectional data connectivity, just like React. However, Angular 2 and 4 provide an additional bi-directional data transfer line.



React developers have introduced the concept of a virtual document object model, which is considered one of React's most significant advantages over mature frameworks, including AngularJS. How does the virtual DOM work? When we load our HTML document, React creates a lightweight DOM tree of JavaScript objects and stores them on the server. For example, when a user enters new data into the <input> field in the browser, React creates a new virtual DOM and then compares it with the previously saved DOM. Thus, the library finds inconsistencies between the two object models and rebuilds the virtual DOM, but with new HTML modifications. All this task is done on the server, reducing the load on the browser.


Instead of sending the browser completely new HTML, React sends only the HTML for the modified component. This method is hugely more efficient than what AngularJS offers.


React doesn't use observers to track changes in the actual flash when it comes to one-way data binding. Overall, React makes it easier to control the performance of your application. However, that doesn't mean you can't build a fast application in AngularJS.


React vs. Angular Dependencies


AngularJS uses a basic Object Oriented Programming (OOP) pattern called dependency injection, which means we write dependencies to a separate file. It's not possible to create dependencies directly in an object. In AngularJS, dependency injection is an integral part of all the standard functions we declare for the AngularJS factory or AngularJS service. In our operations, we only pass dependencies as parameters in any order where vanilla JavaScript differs from AngularJS in the strict ordering of arguments in standard JavaScript.

AngularJS automatically finds the right objects to inject as parameters $routeParams, $filter, store, and $scope. In AngularJS, two functions allow for dependency injection: $inject and $provide.


Also worth mentioning is the dependency injection problem in AngularJS, a minor annoyance that can occur when minimizing code.


The code minimizer reduces dependency names to $b and $y for brevity. But when the code is executed, AngularJS looks for dependencies with their real names, which in the above example are $scope, $filter, and store! At this point, our program crashes silently. The positive aspect is that this problem is straightforward to solve.

As you can see in the example below, we have declared the TodoCtrl function and passed only short argument names. Then we show what exactly is to be inserted into our position in the correct order. So the "s" argument stands for "$scope," and the "r" argument stands for "$routeParams" and so on. AngularJS will find the dependencies automatically. This time, pay attention to the order of the discussions.

There is another way to pass a function and its dependencies - via an array. The first element of the collection will be your dependencies, followed by the process with short parameters.


React and AngularJS in terms of dependency injection is that React does not provide a built-in container concept for dependency injection. However, this does not suggest that we need to develop a dependency injection method in our React project. You can use several tools to inject dependencies into your React application automatically. These tools include Browserify, RequireJS, EcmaScript 6 modules which we can use via Babel, ReactJS-di, and so on. The single difficulty is choosing the right tool.


Guidelines and templates



Directives in AngularJS are the way we organize our work/code around the DOM. When we work with AngularJS, we can only access the DOM through demands. For example, AngularJS has many standard directives like ng-bind or ng-app, but we can also create our directions. and a powerful way to work with MDM. On the other hand, the syntax for creating AngularJS Private Directives is quite complicated to understand.


In AngularJS, we create custom directives to insert data into templates. The template must have an element that contains our message as an attribute. It's that simple. But AngularJS directives, when fully defined, are complicated. The customization object we return in order contains a dozen properties. Properties like templateUrl or template are easy to understand. But it is not clear how (and why)  should define priority, terminal, range, and other stuff. Mastering the syntax of AngularJS directives can be a real challenge.


We typically use directives, both standard and specific, to bind DOM elements to AngularJS applications.


React does not provide for a separation between models and guidelines or model logic. The model logic must write itself. To see what this looks like, open an example from GitHub. You'll see that the React.TodoItem component is created using the standard React.createClass() method. We pass an object with properties to this function. Properties such as componentDidUpdate, SE-component update, handle key down the logic, or our model will happen. At the end of the component, we usually define the rendering property, which is the model to be rendered in the browser. Everything is in the same place, and the JSX syntax of the template is easy to understand, even if you can't write in JSX. You know what will happen to your model, should render it, and what information will be presented to it through the properties.

This approach of defining the model and logic in one place is better because less time is spent at the beginning to understand what is happening.



AngularJS and React are both perfect for writing one-page applications. However, they are entirely different tools. Some developers may say that React is better than AngularJS or vice versa. However, what is best for a given project depends on how you use these tools.

Working with React may seem a bit easier at first, as you write JavaScript the old-fashioned way and build your HTML around it. However, there are many other tools that you will need to understand, such as Flux. AngularJS, on the other hand, uses a different approach built around HTML. As a result, we may encounter unusual syntax and solutions that seem questionable at first glance. But once you get used to AngularJS, you will certainly enjoy its features. If you are looking for an angular developer and react developer there are many angular development companies and react development companies in India you can contact them.

olivia cuthbert
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