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Samsung AC repair service in Ameerpet

Samsung AC repair service in Ameerpet

The air conditioner is the main and the common appliance which is mainly used In all the homes as the air conditioner is used for both domestic and commercial use purposes. As air conditioner usage is on the higher side so that there are many issues that the air conditions will not start or won't work properly. As air conditioner is are of many types like portable air conditioners, wall air conditioners, geothermal air conditioners, As we will take it as great pride in each and every    service call as our professional technicians are well experienced and trained so that they can solve all the major and the minor issues of the air conditioner and the issue of the air conditioner will be get solved with the same day. As if there are any issues with the air conditioner spare parts then our technicians will inform you immediately at the time and we will charge separately for the spare parts and we will also give you 90 days of warranty for the spare parts and 30 days of warranty for general services. Our technicians are having highly organized time management skills. 

contact us:18008918106 1806660022

Ameerpet Hyderabad Telangana pin code 500016 INDIA

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