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Applications of Botox injections, benefits of Botox facial

neda afshar
Applications of Botox injections, benefits of Botox facial


What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable drug that paralyzes muscles and destroys skin lines. It is made from botulinum toxin type A, which temporarily paralyzes muscles. The main cause of moving facial wrinkles is muscle movement. So if we paralyze them, the facial lines will also disappear.



Botox injection is one of the minimally invasive methods of skin rejuvenation and is the most widely used as a safe and effective way to remove fine lines as well as wrinkles around the eyes. Of course, to remove lines from other parts of the face, such as the frown line or horizontal lines on the forehead, can also be used by injecting Botox into the forehead.



Botulinum type A, from which almost all Botox injections are made, is a nerve toxin or neurotoxin that can temporarily disrupt nerve function. The voluntary muscles of the body (such as those in the face) contract if the message of contraction reaches them from the brain and through the motor nerves. If botulinum toxin is present in the muscle, the function of the motor nerve is impaired and the muscle is paralyzed.



Botulinum is naturally produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When botulinum is produced by bacteria, it is one of the deadliest toxins produced in nature. For a 70 kg human being, only 70 mg of this toxin can be lethal. Botulinum toxin is the same toxin that causes botulism, a deadly disease, if not boiled canned foods.

What is Botox injection?

Botox facial, botulinum toxin is injected to treat specific muscle problems and in beauty to remove wrinkles with temporary muscle paralysis.



Botox injections have proven to be a successful and valuable protein therapy in the treatment of various clinical conditions if given at the right dose and frequency.

"It is only the dose that makes a toxin a therapeutic effect."



Botulinum toxin can be injected into humans in very low concentrations to paralyze nerve cells by blocking them from transmitting signals to the muscles and effectively preventing muscle contraction.



Is Botox injection safe?

do not be scared! Botulinum used in Botox does not pose the dangers of the main toxin produced by the bacteria. In addition, this toxin is deadly when it enters our bloodstream. In therapeutic uses of Botox, this toxin is used only topically.



According to the FDA, the Ministry of Health of Iran and almost all regulatory agencies for treatment and health, Botox injections for therapeutic use or skin rejuvenation are known to be safe and secure. Note the following:



In the United States, from 1989 to 2003, only 36 people experienced severe side effects after Botox injections. Thirteen of these people had complications due to underlying problems and the problems were not related to Botox injections.



Studies show that only 3% of adults who receive Botox injections experience severe side effects. In many of these cases, the cause of the side effects is the injection of medication by non-physicians or the use of inappropriate substances.



According to research, the risks of Botox injections to beautify and rejuvenate the skin are much lower than the side effects of Botox in therapeutic applications. According to the statistics, almost all those who had acute complications received Botox injections. We have talked about the uses of Botox in detail below.

The dose of Botox used for skin lines is very low and safe. Higher doses are used in Botox therapeutic applications; Therefore, side effects are more likely to occur.




Aesthetic applications

Treatment of wrinkles on both sides of the eyes, known as crow's feet wrinkles;

• Blurring the frown line (between the eyebrows);

• Eliminate horizontal forehead lines;

• Eliminate neck wrinkles;

• Raise the corners of the lips;

• Raise the tip of the nose.




Botox injection rate

The most important factor in determining the price of Botox is the amount of solution to be injected. Naturally, the greater the range of surgery, the greater the need for injections, which in turn will increase the cost of treatment. Therefore, it is better to know the amount needed for the injection by consulting a doctor before the operation. Of course, it is not possible to know the exact amount of the injection during these consultation sessions, as the amount may change during the operation and the doctor may have to inject more solution.




Are the results of Botox injections permanent?

One of the questions that most women think about is whether Botox is performed permanently.



In response, we can say that this method of treatment and beauty of Botox to the cheeks is a completely temporary method. In fact, the main function of Botox injections is to paralyze the muscles to some extent and not to completely prevent the muscles from contracting; If the muscles start to contract again, Botox should be injected into the cheeks again. Because the effects of Botox injections disappear after three to six months, so gradually the activity of the muscles and lines caused by wrinkles begin to return again, which needs to be treated again. If you inject Botox before the wrinkles deepen, you can completely prevent the formation of permanent wrinkles.

Botox and its effects on the body


As for the effects of Botox on the body: one of its good effects is the elimination of wrinkles. But the bad effects: After the injection, you will no longer be able to show your feelings and emotions on your face! Of course temporarily. Also, after the injection, the injection site may be a little sore and bruised, which is a normal problem and will be resolved in a short time. In general, Botox injections have no lasting effects.




How is Botox made?


As mentioned, this substance is a toxin and it is not surprising to know that Botox is produced by a type of bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. In the early 19th century, a deadly disease was discovered that resulted from eating sausages. It was later discovered that the disease was caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The bacterium was discovered after this incident and its poison was named Botulus, which is equivalent to the word sausage.




In what areas of the body is Botox most used?


You may know that Botox injections are mostly used on the forehead to eliminate frown lines. It can also be used on the eye area. These two are the best places to inject this substance and according to experience, injecting in the forehead and near the eyes is the most effective.



You can also inject this substance in other places such as: lines under the eyes, lines of laughter, around the lips, as well as lines under the lips and around the lips. Botox can also be used to raise eyebrows. However, injections in these areas have more side effects and are more difficult. To inject Botox in areas other than the forehead and near the eyes, you must use an experienced doctor. Failure to do so could result in serious damage to your health and severe complications.




How does Botox work?


The cause of wrinkles, as you know, is excessive movement of muscles and shrinkage of the skin, which over time, leaves a mark and wrinkles. So if you can reduce muscle movement, wrinkles will not be visible and you will have a beautiful and young face. Botox does the same thing. This strong substance and toxin paralyzes the muscles after the injection and prevents them from moving excessively, which leads to the appearance or appearance of wrinkles.




How long do the effects of Botox last?


Surely no one likes to have a face whose muscles do not move at all and can not express their emotions using the signs of salutation and body language. For example, you do not like at all that when you are laughing, your face stays still and does not move, and as a result, your laughter is not known and others only find out that you are laughing from the sound of laughter! So if Botox had a lasting effect, no one would use it and it would not be so popular in the field of beauty and rejuvenation. The effect of Botox will be from two to six months and after this period, due to the secretion of a substance called acid. Choline, the muscle will start to shake and contract again.

How much Botox is used in the field of beauty?


Botox is very popular today and if you tell someone who knows it; About 90% of people will answer yes. Therefore, this substance is very famous in its kind and is widely used in the field of beauty.




Botox applications


This material has various uses, some of which were briefly mentioned above. In the following text, join us to talk about its applications in full.




Raise eyebrows with Botox


After a while, the signs of aging will appear. Loose skin and drooping eyebrows are one of these symptoms. When the eyebrows are lowered, it covers the upper eyelid and therefore makes the face look bad; For this reason, many people seek treatment for this condition and raise eyebrows.



But why do eyebrows go down? It's very simple. As a person ages, the muscles under the eyebrows relax, causing the eyebrows to fall out less than usual. To tighten these muscles under the eyebrows, Botox should be used, which paralyzes a muscle, making it tighter.



By injecting Botox into the eyebrows, the muscle under the eyebrows becomes firmer and raises that eyebrow. So this very strong toxin can also help raise eyebrows!




What is Botox and how does it work?


Botox injections are now one of the most popular beauty treatments. Botox is actually made up of the botulinum toxin we know today under the brand name Botox. . The Botox brand is an American product and due to its popularity and commercial durability, it is used today instead of the scientific name Botulinum.



It is composed of the bacterium Clostridium toxin, which is injected under human skin and prevents the movement of muscles under the skin in that area. In this way, the muscles related to that part become weak and the tension and contraction that cause wrinkles on the skin are eliminated. As a result, it can be considered a treatment to get rid of wrinkles, as well as rejuvenate the skin and even reduce transpiration in people.




Pre-Botox care

People who plan to inject Botox need to stop taking aspirin as well as ibuprofen before treatment because the use of these drugs prevents blood clotting and as a result may increase the amount of bruising after the injection.




Steps to do Botox

Botox injections are done to reduce wrinkles on the face, this injection is done by a specialist doctor and the injection method is such that Botox substances are injected directly into the relevant muscle. This operation is done with very thin and special needles and is done in different areas of the face. Botox injection takes about 10 minutes and does not require anesthesia. Of course, for people who are very sensitive to injections, local anesthetic ointment can also be used.

Post-Botox care


It is necessary to avoid bending the head for about 6 hours after Botox injection. Also, the person should not sleep for about 6 hours or turn their head horizontally. This attention is especially necessary when talking on a mobile phone. Regarding post-Botox care, it should be said that after Botox injections, contact with the place where Botox has been done should be avoided and physical activity should be reduced as much as possible. . After Botox injection, excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided and facial massage, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc. should be avoided. These should be observed for up to 24 hours after Botox injection.




Durability of Botox effect


Botox does not have a permanent effect on the face of people and usually their life is between 4 to 6 months and after 6 months they need to be renewed. Dermatologists recommend that Botox injections not be given more than twice a year. This skin rejuvenation procedure should be performed by a dermatologist. It should be noted that in athletes who have a high metabolism, Botox will last less than other people.




Age range of Botox injections


Botox injections can be done after the age of 20, but it is necessary to see a person, be sure to be examined by a dermatologist. It should be known that before about 25 years of age, this is not necessary and necessary Not worried about wrinkles on the skin of the face. Botox injections are performed in older age groups than laser hair removal.




Who should not do Botox?

People who have certain skin diseases must inform their specialist doctor before the injection so that the injection will not be performed for them if diagnosed and at the doctor's discretion.



In general, it should be known that not all skin wrinkles will be removed with Botox. For this purpose, it is necessary to use more skin care, and sometimes filler injections are recommended for people along with Botox injections.

Origin of forehead Botox injection


Clostridium botulinum is the organism from which Botox is derived. The bacterium is found inactively in the natural environment, including forests and agricultural soils, and in sediments of lakes, rivers, coastal waters, and untreated waters.



The bacterium can also be found in the intestines of mammals and fish, and in the gills and intestines of crabs and oysters. These natural cases of Clostridium botulinum and its spores are usually relatively harmless. Problems usually occur only when the spores become germ cells and the bacterial population begins to produce the deadly botulinum toxin, which is responsible for the symptoms of botulism.



Neurotoxin targets the nervous system, thereby disrupting the signaling processes of nerve cells (the agent that communicates effectively with each other). The neurotoxin in question in the production of Botox is botulinum toxin (or BTX or BONT for short) and is divided into eight types A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.



Of these, types A, B, E, and in rare cases, type F cause botulism in humans, while types C and D cause disease in other mammals, birds, and fish. Although type G has been isolated from soil in Argentina, no outbreaks of the disease have been identified.



botax injection

The cosmetic application of botox on the face and neck includes the following:

• Frowning wrinkles (between the eyebrows),

• Eliminate forehead lines

• Removes lines around the eyes

• Raise and shape the eyebrows

• Blur lines around the lips

• Raise the corners of the lips

• Raise the tip of the nose

• Reduce the depth of the chin hole

• Improves the orange skin of the chin

• Eliminate transverse and vertical lines of the neck

Uses of Botox:


1. Treatment of forehead transverse lines



2. Frowning line above the nose



3. Wrinkles around the eyes (Crow`s feet)



4. Wrinkles on the nose



5. Botox also causes a slight increase in the outer corner of the eyebrows (Chemical brow lift).



6. Treatment of transverse and vertical wrinkles in the neck area, wrinkles on the upper lip and corners of the mouth, etc.



Contraindications to Botox:

1. Pregnancy

2. The presence of infection at the injection site

3. Myasthenia gravis

4. Neuromuscular disorders

5. Eaton Lambert Syndrome

6. People taking antibiotics such as gentamicin, streptomycin and kanamycin.

7. People taking the drug di-penicillamine used in rheumatoid arthritis.

8. People who are being treated with cyclosporine.

9. People taking the anti-malarial drug chloroquine

10. Breastfeeding mothers

Tell your doctor if you have a history of previous allergies to Botox.


Source article: Drpakdelclinic

neda afshar
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