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Top Truck Brands and their model with specifications

Aman Khandelwal
Top Truck Brands and their model with specifications

The need for transportation is changing very fast and requires vehicles that are giving higher performance and greater durability. Logistic business is gaining higher recognition from society and the business processes dealing with mining and other cargo needs. There are various brands available in the market producing trucks for commercial use. 

Some popular truck models in India


  • Tata Signa 5523.S

The Tata Trucks under the range of Signa has 6 cylinders motor and perfect for carrying medium-sized vehicles. Tata trucks are producing trucks with advanced technology and providing extreme comfort and safety to drivers. Tata Signa has 55000 kg of capacity to carry heavy load vehicles and is equipped with advanced emission control technology. 

The price of this model is affordable and economical for commercial businesses, and they can't get access to advanced technology vehicles at an affordable price. It is built with a comfortable air conditioning cabin delivering a seamless experience to the driver. It has a GPS system, adjustable driver seat and telescopic steering, which enabled this truck effectively for a long journey. 


  • Ashok Leyland 1920

This model of Ashok Leyland is a 6 tyre medium-duty haulage truck providing Hai durable and powerful engine to its users. This is a new generation of drug that is a modern and dynamic transport source for commercial purposes. Ashok Leyland 1920 comes with a fitted cabin providing extreme safety and comfort to the driver. It has a 6 cylinder BS6 engine and 700Nm of torque power. 

Their wheelbase is different based on every cargo body and delivering this truck in cowl or chassis, chassis or cabin and full side deck with higher deck variant. Among the various competitive trucks available in the market, This truck delivers application in Intercity and intracity, allowing it to carry the high market load and automobile transportation. It is best suitable for heavy-duty applications with relatively lower volume. 


  • Mahindra Supro Maxitruck T2 Pickup

This truck is manufactured with advanced technology delivering high performance, and this truck is mainly popular because of its mileage efficiency. It is mainly famous for its quality for commercial purposes. Mahindra supro T2 mileage is the main factor that makes it a suitable vehicle for commercial purpose. It has an economical price appropriately feasible to its customers. 

It comes with 250 mm of wheelbase and meters in turning radius. It is built with 47 HP power and direct injection of diesel engine. This model has high torque power, which is suitable for heavy applications. Mahindra has been a leading manufacturing company and provides trucks with advanced technology and extreme safety in it. 


These are the popular brands and their models, which are a popular choice of the customers and deliver higher productivity for the businesses. For more updated information about models and brands, stay tuned with us. 

Aman Khandelwal
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