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The Structure of Photo & Video Editing App Development Team

The NineHertz

To Make an app like Magisto, you need a proper team with the right expertise. Hiring freelancers can be an option but it’s something that’s advised against. This is because, hiring a freelancer means that from now onwards you have to act like a project manager, which in itself is one hell of a job.

Therefore, you should hire a reputed and reliable mobile application development company to handle such a heavy project. Well, in either of the case, the following positions will be needed to run the project:

I. Project Manager

The project manager does the task of managing and guiding the music slideshow maker app like Magisto development team regarding the various steps in the project ensuring seamless execution of the technical aspects of the procedure.

II. Android Developer / iOS Developer

The developers form the backbone of your app development process as these are the professionals who develop the app for you. The team should consist of developers having expertise in both domains.

III. Back-end Developer

The role of a back-end developer is taking care of the server-side web application logic and integration of the work front-end developers do. They usually write the web services and APIs used by mobile app developers/front-end developers.

IV. UI/UX Designers

A well-designed layout can get you huge traffic. A UI designer establishes a solid connection between an app and the users through his designs. Similarly, the UX design emphasizes the interaction between users and everyday products and services.

V. Graphic Designer

The graphic designer is responsible for handling the visual aspect of the mobile app. His role comprises defining requirements, visualizing, and creating graphics including layouts, logos, illustrations, and photos.

VI. QA Testers

The job of quality assurance testers is to make sure that all the stages of your app fulfill the quality standards of the market. The role of QA Testers is equally important to the mobile video editing app development process.

Read more here: Video editing app development

The NineHertz
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