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Why? Uses of Dynamo Cyclone Cane

Why? Uses of Dynamo Cyclone Cane

IF you have questions or concerns view Dynamo Walking Canes again or ask a member of your healthcare team you if your physician is recommended that you use crutches to get around it's important that you know how to use them safely there's more to it than many people realize the crutches may need to be adjusted to fit you one size doesn't fit all when it comes to crutches we're going to place one crutch under the arm and with the crutch tip about six inches out to the side and about six inches forward we still want to see two or three fingers width gap between the top of the axillary pad and your armpit the next thing we want to look at then is the hand grip we would like it to fall right about where your wrist is if your arm is hanging at your side so this crutches fit about right for her now when you're ready to stand up and use your crutches.

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It's easiest if someone is there to assist you you can have them hold the crutches while you use both arms to push up from the chair and stand up and then you just hand the crutches to the patient and they're ready to walk when you're ready to sit down if you can hand them back you've now got both hands-free you can grab the chair and sit now if someone is not available to assist you hold the crutches in the hand that's on the same side as your sore foot then I want you to reach and grab the chair with the other hand and come to a standing position now you can reach across grab a crutch bring it under your arm turn the other crutch in and you're ready to walk when it's time to sit down you need to reverse that process turning one crutch out reaching the other across now one hand is free to reach back grab the chair and sit in order to walk safely with crutches you need to know your weight-bearing status this refers to the amount of body weight.

You can safely place on your affected leg or foot your weight-bearing status will be one of the following weight-bearing as tolerated partial weight bearing toe touch or non-weight-bearing when walking with your crutches both the weight bearing is tolerated and partial weight bearing types of walks look the same you're going to put both crutches forward just the amount you're comfortable with Walking Canes for Womens putting your sore foot forward put your foot on the ground and step all the way through with your good foot crutches sore foot good foot crutches sore foot good foot now with the toe touch weight-bearing type of walk we're going to move both crutches forward just the amount we're comfortable moving the sore foot forward place the ball of your foot between the crutches lock your elbows stay tall and step through with your good foot crutches sore foot good foot crutches sore foot good foot now with the non-weight-bearing type of walk we're going to need to get the sore foot completely off the ground.

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