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Law of Attraction - How to Use the Laws of Attraction to Your Desires

Akhilesh Vats
Law of Attraction - How to Use the Laws of Attraction to Your Desires

How to Menifest the Law of Attraction?

Many people are familiar with Law of Attraction (LOA) and how it works. For those who are not familiar with LOA, here is some information about this law of attraction. In The New Thought theory, the Law of Attractionin hindi refers to a pseudoscientific belief that positive or bad thoughts attract positive or bad events in a person's life. There are many supporters of the Law of Attraction and some of its principles. It is also used in the self-help field to help people change their habits and behaviors.

Why Law of Attraction is needed in Life?

The Law of Attraction has been proven to be an effective tool. It is said to give an individual or group of individuals the power to control the fate of the universe. An effective manifestation process involves focusing on a positive outcome rather than focusing on a negative one. Those who practice the law of attraction can manifest anything they desire. However, for some, manifesting requires much effort than simply thinking about it. If you are just starting to learn the principles of the Law of Attraction, take some time to read articles like this one and other articles on the internet.

Principles of Law of Attraction?

  1. One basic principle of LOA is that the universe and everything in the universe are made up of energy vibrations. Some people refer to these vibrations as "stuff" and believe that something cannot be "made" or "create" unless it is already in existence. According to LOA, if you place good vibrations around you and concentrate on those things you desire, you will receive good things in return. Those who are familiar with Law of Attraction principles understand that in order to attract the things you desire you must create the space in your mind where those things will manifest.
  2. In fact, the Law of vibration can only work well when your thoughts are also focused on what you wish to attract. If you are focused on the negative things you think about, then you are creating more negative vibration. When you focus your thoughts on a positive note, you create a positive vibration. An example of using Law of Attraction to match your vibrational match with the universe's vibration would be when you want to win the game of golf, you don't say, "I don't think I'll ever win!" Instead, you say, "I'm going to play golf for the rest of my life, I'm going to reach for the stars."
  3.  One more way to visualize your vibration as being in a positive place is to imagine a white void that encompasses all the negative and the positive vibrations. By focusing on all the white spaces in between the two, you will begin to see your vibration as being in a very positive place. This technique works best if you are already focused on attracting your desires and not focused on what the outcome will be. It can be helpful, though, if you visualize the results in your own mind's eye; however, if that is not possible, it can be effective to simply focus your attention.

How can we Used LOA? 

Using Law of Attraction techniques to transform your negative thoughts into positive thinking is not difficult. The most important thing to do is always to remember that you are in control of your reality, and not the universe or any outside forces. If you always accept that you have the power to create what you desire, then you will never be discouraged from pursuing your goal.

Remember, whatever you focus your attention on, will be attracted to you. So if you want to attract abundance, you must focus on wealth, health, love, peace, quiet, love, etc. Attaining anything that you desire takes energy and time, and you don't want to start focusing on one thing before getting started. Law of attraction principles work the best when the focus is always on the present moment; no matter what the past has in store, you must always put that thought in your mind that the future will take care of itself.


Once you understand that what you attract comes to you, all you have to do is begin to focus on those thoughts consistently so that they become a habit. For example, if you are trying to attract abundance to yourself, then you must create and live your life in prosperity and abundance. You must learn how to attract abundance to yourself by sending out your intention to attract abundance, and the universe will fulfill it for you. As you send out this intention everyday, positive vibrations will become a part of your reality, and the universe will bring you more abundance.

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Akhilesh Vats
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