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Learn about the various types of overhead cranes available in the market

RMS Industries
Learn about the various types of overhead cranes available in the market

What are the Different Types of Overhead Cranes?

In several industrial applications, overhead cranes are important because they boost production. How well a crane performs depends on how well it is suitable for various tasks. Cranes are available to satisfy the demands of different applications in a range of configurations. You want to ensure it's the right one if you're searching for an overhead crane for industrial purposes. Since their origins, cranes have gone a long way. It is important to understand how different types work.

1. EOT (Electric Overhead Traveling) Crane

The EOT crane, which can be found in practically every industry, is the most frequent variety of overhead cranes. These cranes are electronically operated via a control pendant, a radio/IR remote pendant, or a crane-connected operator cabin.

* Single Girder: Crane with a single girder, just said, one round The main beam of crane is one beam, secondly, it has a particular lifting mechanism; a hoist usually runs along the same beam to convey and elevate loads.

* Double Girder: Crane with two girders, A twin girder grid's principal beams are just two. Secondly, two types are available: QD and LH. Both trolleys work on twin girder crane, however, QD trolleys use a winch as a lift mechanism, whilst LH trolleys use hoists.

2. HOT Cranes

Loadmate provides a comprehensive range of HOT cranes, which are engineered to meet industrial specifications with high-quality components. These cranes are extremely vibratory, robust, strong, and reliable.

It is utilized in industry and building enterprises since it offers easy access in every way. The crane is high-performance and durable. The production methods are excellent to ensure smooth functioning.


A jib crane is a kind of crane in which a horizontal element (jib or boom) is supported by a movable hoist that is installed on a wall or a surface-mounted pillar. In industrial environments as well as military vehicles, jib cranes are regularly observed. The jib may swing or be fixed in an arc to give lateral movement. The top floors of the warehouse buildings were equipped with similar cranes, commonly referred to as hoists, to allow products to be hoisted at every level.


Gantry crane is a single (single) or double-girder (single) beam (twin-girder). A portal system with equalized beams and rollers run parallel to the trolley's direction in the portico rail supports the crane framework. It can move very big loads like those found in shipyards or industrial plants.


Hopefully, you've gained a better understanding of which overhead crane is best for your company's specific lifting requirements. Their team at Loadmate designs and installs world-class overhead crane systems. They have extensive experience with overhead cranes and can provide customized solutions ranging from light-duty, low-cost cranes to large-capacity, high-duty-cycle cranes. Contact a loadmate.in representative to learn more about a safer and more effective material handling solution for your company.

RMS Industries
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