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How To Ensure Safety from Blue Light

Daniel Caig
How To Ensure Safety from Blue Light

Everywhere that you go, you're constantly surrounded by blue light. Do you know why? Because it makes up about one-third of the entire visible light. The sunlight, LED lights, and electronic devices are all blue light sources.


Blue light has the shortest wavelength with the highest energy. This is the reason why it affects your health in various ways. Below are some of the detrimental effects of blue light that you might be unaware of till now.


The Hazard To Your Eyes


Your cornea and lens are not adapted to filtering the blue light as they filter the UV rays. That's why experts suggest glasses with a blue light filter. They also advise for tests like the Marvel Vision blue light filter test for your glasses. This would ensure maximum eye protection from the harmful rays. But why is it essential to stop the blue rays from targeting your retina?


Your retina cells are pretty sensitive to blue light. Prolonged exposure to blue light can cause retinal damage and macular degeneration. This can lead to a gradual vision loss as you age. It can also cause digital eye strain. As a result, you may experience dry eyes, blurry vision, decreased focus, neck pain, headaches, and back ache.


However, if you use eyeglasses with a blue light filter, you might be able to protect yourself better. Additionally, you can apply the "20-20" rule while using digital devices excessively. After every 20 minutes, you should look at a 20 feet away object for 20 seconds. Additionally, you may also use artificial tears to prevent digital eye strain symptoms.


The Effects On Your Brain


Blue light is not always bad for your brain. In the daytime, it keeps your mind active and your mood lifted. Though, when you scroll through your phone at bedtime, it hinders your sleeping pattern. It decreases the production of the sleep hormone melatonin in your brain. Due to this, your circadian rhythm is disturbed. Ultimately, blue light makes it harder to sleep after excessive digital device usage.


Besides, this also increases your risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. That is why it is always necessary to check your glasses through a blue light filter test. Go for a self-test like the ‘Marvel Vision blue light filter test’. This would make sure that your glasses are genuinely effective against blue light. Additionally, limiting your screen-time before bedtime is also essential and will yield benefits.


The Conclusion

 You're almost always encircled by the blue light emitted by the Sun, LEDs, and electronic devices. While it may boost your mind and mood during the day, it can negatively affect you. Digital eye strain, macular degeneration, retinal damage are hazardous to the eyes. It may also affect your circadian rhythm, increasing your risk for other diseases. Thus, it is vital to protect yourself from the blue light as much as possible. You can use blue light filtering glasses or limit your screen time. Both ways will help you fight off the blue light better.


Daniel Caig
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