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Health Problems Commonly Experienced by Teacup Yorkie Pups

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Health Problems Commonly Experienced by Teacup Yorkie Pups

Teacup Yorkies is one of many breeds of dogs that are in the teacup category. This breed is smaller than the standard sized Yorkie. Teacup Yorkie s are very popular with pet owners since they do not have the strength and size of larger dogs. Teacup Yorkies can be mixed breed and there are even some teacup Yorkie breeders that breed only for profit and sell puppies to unsuspecting pet lovers. There is an unfortunate demand for this type of smaller breed and the prices for these puppies is going up.

Teacup Yorkie Pups comes in all sizes. The smallest is only about five to seven inches long, weighing up to 2 pounds. The smallest dogs in this category are perfect for people who live in apartments without a lot of room. The teacup Yorkie puppy can grow to be as large as ten to twelve inches in height. The older teacup Yorkie puppies may reach one hundred and twenty to two hundred pounds in weight.

Like most other terriers, teacup yorkies suffer from health problems like hip dysplasia and congenital eye defects. This breed does not seem to suffer from health problems as much as other breeds of terriers do, however, problems do occur and the more times a dog undergoes a "dis-ease" the more likely he or she will develop future health problems. The hip dysplasia is when the front part of the thighbone or hip joint does not fit into the socket properly and becomes deformed. Since the Teacup Yorkie puppy cannot fully extend its front leg, it uses its large rear leg to prop up the front leg. This will eventually cause the hip to become dislocated and the puppy may not be able to stand on its hind legs at all.

There are a number of reasons why the teacup Yorkie puppy may be having this condition. Sometimes it is hereditary, but more often it occurs when another dog in the family also has the condition. Other contributing factors could be the size of the teacup Yorkie's litter and the age of that litter. Another common cause is because the mother has given birth to an already deformed pup that was so small she was unable to feed it properly. Newborn teacup Yorkie pups can have the same problems, since they too are born very small and can not support their own bodies.

You should know that these tiny dogs require extra care just like any other regular Yorkie. You need to make sure that you are prepared to provide your pup with every care they need even after they are born. Because of their small size they will need a lot of attention. They need to be fed often and get used to being the big dogs in your household. Your dog will become more secure as it will see its new family members coming home all the time, and it will get used to being around more people in general.

The Yorkshire terrier is full of energy and because of this they need lots of playtime. The teacup Yorkie pup will not be able to hold its own bladder for long periods before it has to go, therefore you will need to take care of this problem quickly. You will want to take your dog for regular walks to a park or any other place that offers lots of space. This will eliminate a lot of frolicking in the grass and getting your dog dirty. Playtime should consist of playing with your dog, chasing it around, or even taking it for a swim.

The Yorkshire terrier was originally bred for herding purposes. Due to her small build they were often used as herders. Because of their small size they had to be fed often so they got very muscular and could be mean when they wanted to be. These dogs also shed a lot, which was a serious problem for the breed. Now, that they are miniature dogs most breeders do not use this as part of their breeding methods.

The Yorkshire terrier is full of vitality and will fly through life if given the right set of genes. But you must make sure that you find a good breeder that has not only good looking dogs but great kennels. This way your Yorkie puppy will grow up healthy and strong. Remember that although they have a small stature these dogs can have a high energy level that can make them seem as active as a small breed like the Great Dane.

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