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Building Wof In Auckland

Fireaway Building Compliance NZ
Building Wof In Auckland

If you are looking for Wof Auckland, then you should contact with Fireaway Building Compliance NZ. Does your property need a Building Warrant of Fitness (WOF)? Are you unsure if Building WOFs apply to your property? Do you need a Building WOF renewal? Whatever query or requirement you have in relation to Building WOFs, Fireaway Building Compliance can help. Our goal is to make the process of getting, maintaining, and renewing Building WOFs as easy as possible. This is a yearly requirement as your Building WOF only lasts 12 months before it must be renewed. Plus, there are interim inspection requirements as well. Our team is fully qualified and certified both to carry out IQP inspections and to issue compliance certificates. Plus, we have a thorough knowledge of fire safety regulations and extensive experience in all types of buildings.

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Fireaway Building Compliance NZ
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