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Duplicate word counter

jackharry wilson1

Occurrences Counter

Count occurrences and count duplicates in list online for free without downloading anything

This is a Word counter that counts how many times each word is present in your text

When selecting the "line content occurrences" checkbox below, you'll be looking at counting the occurrence of each line, instead of each word, allowing you to eliminate duplicate lines in your text

Simply paste your text below, or select a text file

Pasting more than 32000 characters may slow down your browser because of the 32000 characters limitations of the HTML textfield.

This is why, it's preferrable to select a .txt file instead, for a silky buttery-smooth counting experience:

Open notepad or your favorite text editor, paste your text, save it to a file, then select the file below, The results are instantly shown.

This works for any document that is pure text: a TXT, JSON, XML, HTML, JS not a word or excel document.


Best Word Frequency Counter Online

Why is this the best online word counter and word frequency counter?

HTML textareas lag and slow down your browser when you paste a very large text (more than 32000 characters). For this reason, we added a file selection for your convenience. All you have to do, is open Notepad, paste your content there, save the file, then select the file here. The results will automatically display.

Please note that this word counter doesn’t work on word or excel documents, because they're not pure text.

When to use a word counter tool?

Perform basic plagiarism check, to check for duplicates in your text

Count the word repetitions for statistic purposes

Check for duplicates in your dataset

Check for duplicates in your json, xml, txt

Verify and manually confirm data integrity

Check the cultural level of the writer: If the same word is repeated multiple times, he probably has a low cultural level

Enrich your vocabulary, and avoid abuse of same expressions


We Offer:-

Visit Site:- https://textool.io/occurrences-counter

jackharry wilson1
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