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Hemp Cream For Pain Relief

Nipa Sarker
Hemp Cream For Pain Relief

Hemp Cream For Pain Relief

 We have we have got all kinds of things in there we've got calculators yeah i mean quizzes yeah whole courses designed to help you take the industry further and up your game so we're going to come maybe we can come up with a sustainability course or a sustainability quiz or something like that absolutely yeah and we're going to see what's going on on the right track yeah exactly.
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I had a drum roll i would definitely play it right now um the thing about it is that this guest is is someone that i've actually come to know by following some of her youtube work i'm really a fan so let me introduce you to janine morigo and i hope i'm pronouncing your last name correctly janine janine is an accomplished astrologer tarot card reader spiritual life coach and truther having made her living from the divination skills she does is to empower people to think for hemp cream themselves trust universal love and become free sovereign beings Janine truly welcome to the show we're so happy to have you here wow i am so happy to be here on this special day for you americans that's right couldn't have picked a better day yeah i consider myself a patriot i know that sounds weird i'm i'm a patriot and i absolutely love uh i love the usa i love trump i'm a bit of a novelty in canada here yeah especially .
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I was going to say you're joining us from where in canada alberta so calgary alberta right that's on the the left side of canada for those uh that don't know that's right um beautiful beautiful area beautiful area as well and um you uh we would get to know you a little bit more this is the first time by the way i've ever been participating in the tower reading so i'm extremely excited for that um but i noticed behind you in your pictures you can't see this on the obviously on the radio but you have ravens two ravens behind you on the wall in photographs uh drawings and they're beautiful and i don't know if you know this locally in baltimore where we broadcast the show the football team here is the baltimore ravens so ravens are very big in baltimore what's the significance of the ravens behind you well uh i studied slimming gel native medicine with a medicine man in what is known as the height of why in canada which is a very unique special place in the most northwest corner of canada and ravens were a big totem of mine and i was taught to send them when people needed extra love and energy or just needed to get through a hardship so they're like healers so in the haida tradition ravens are very special healing energy well that's interesting so taking back to um haida gwaii um how do you spell that by the way h a i d and g-w-a-i-i yeah for those that don't know that's a it's almost uh it's a rain forest in the north northern islands northern western islands of just off of uk.
Nipa Sarker
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