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IFB Microwave Oven Service Center in Ongole

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IFB Microwave Oven Service Center in Ongole

 In microwave oven there are five common issues are there. We all like to have a peek from time to time as our food cooks inside the microwave. But you feel blindfolded when the microwave lights are not working. This can be caused due a fused bulb, a faulty socket or a bad wiring. In case, all of the above are in good shape, next you need to check the switchboard to see if it is even sending the power to the bulb or not.in your home any issues are there in your microwave oven means just inform to our service center to clear your issues. In our service center we are 24 hours in online to provide you service. In our service center we are giving warranty for your home appliances. In our service center we are any time ready to clear your microwave oven issues. IFB Microwave Oven Service Center in Ongole contact number; 18008896039





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