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What To Expect From Your Plantar Fasciitis Specialist


You may have plantar fasciitis if your first steps in the morning cause a stabbing pain in your heel. Inflammation of the plantar fascia, the tissue that connects your heel to your toes, is very common, particularly among runners.

This condition usually clears up in a few months with the right treatment. You should see your doctor to expedite your recovery and rule out any other injuries.


Your doctor will examine your foot to determine the source of the pain. This exam, together with your medical history, will aid in the diagnosis of the condition.


There are several options that your doctor could try to alleviate your pain and reduce inflammation in your foot due to plantar fasciitis pain. They may even advise you to try several therapies at the same time. These are some examples:

Medication is prescribed

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve your pain and help in reducing plantar fascia inflammation. For several weeks, your doctor may prescribe multiple doses per day to conduct a proper treatment for plantar fasciitis.

Injection of steroids

If your pain is severe or does not respond to NSAIDs, you should consider getting a steroid injection. You'll learn stretching and strengthening exercises for your plantar fascia, Achilles tendon, and lower leg muscles. Massage, contrast baths, or ultrasonography may also be used by your physical therapist to aid in long-term healing.

If you haven't made any progress after a few months, your doctor may suggest a more involved procedure or even surgery.

Among these alternatives are:

  • Shock wave therapy is a type of physical therapy that uses shock waves to treat patients. Sound waves literally "shock" your plantar fascia. It increases blood flow to the foot and aids in tissue healing. It also paralyzes your nerves to relieve pain. It only takes a small cut and is usually over in a matter of minutes. Scar tissue is targeted and removed using ultrasound. This procedure allows you to resume your normal routine in as little as ten days.
  • The plantar fascia is removed from the heel bone during this procedure. Surgery is usually reserved as a last resort if you have severe pain or a stubborn injury that has not responded to other treatments. You are most likely to go back home the same day. Your doctor may instruct you to wear a splint or boot and avoid putting weight on your foot for a period of time.

­­­You can take the right treatment from specialists when you seek for support. Choose a reliable place to ask for medical help and you can treat the problem appropriately.

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