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IFB Washing Machine Service Center in Rajahmundry

IFB Washing Machine Service Center in Rajahmundry

We know why we use washing machines right ? to wash our dirty and clumsy clothes. But many of you don’t know how is it useful for us and how it is helpful for us. You know wt is an amazing part of using a washing machine!! You can carry out your different work side by after putting your clothes in the washer. It automatically washes your clothes. I guess this is even more enough to know that it is useful for us. Sometimes washer may even get in trouble. No worries because we are here and we IFB Washing Machine Service Center in Rajahmundry can solve any type of issue. This is the best service center. All you have to do is contact us and register your details. Within few hours our technicians will reach out there and solve your issues. visiting charges are 350 and only non-warranty products are repaired.

Contact no; 18008896309]



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