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Publishing Content Management System Digitizes the Role of Education Publishers

Brian Burell
Publishing Content Management System Digitizes the Role of Education Publishers

The age of E-books is upon us, and no other industry has felt its success than academic publishing. Since its inception the digital education publishing industry has been booming. According to Statista, the sector is expected to surpass 243 billion U.S. dollars by 2022. These statistics indicate how the new-age technology is reshaping the way schools handle their textbooks, allowing teachers to efficiently instil knowledge in their students.

With online learning becoming the norm amid the pandemic, publishers are looking for ways to digitize their content while ensuring high-quality standards are kept. These new digital learning models help publishers achieve better productivity and reduce operational costs, allowing them to efficiently conquer the market. Moreover, the students and teachers now have more ways to stay connected, as the educational eLearning publishing industry intends to establish engagement across the spectrum. Let us dive in a little deeper to learn more about the future benefits of going digital bring to the table for the education publishing industry.

The benefits of aligning with digital publishing:

Facilitates Distribution and Offers Cost-Effectiveness

New information is always flowing in the education sector, so the publishers have to update their contents and distribute them constantly. This was an extremely daunting process in the traditional format with paper texts and books, especially when it came to mass distribution. It bore huge costs because they had to scrap the older content, update the new ones, republish them in the market. However, the landscape is entirely different with the onset of digital technology in the publishing industry. With eBbooks, they can be easily updated in time and distributed more conveniently and cost-effectively. The emergence of new digital distributions methods, such as mobile apps, online E-books, and many other latest solutions, makes it easier for both the publishers and readers to access the most up-to-date content.

Meets Environmental Demands

With print textbooks, there was also a large cost to the environment. As tons of trees were cut down to make paper out of them, which led to the problems we are witnessing now. According to TCK Publishing, over 2 billion books are printed every year in the U.S., requiring more than 30 million trees to be cut down which lead to the emission of over 40 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. With the production of books harming nature, the term “sustainable” was introduced in the sector; however, stakeholders didn’t pay any heed to them.

The upsurge of digital learning made publishers think about their acts and quickly change their attitude towards the planet. With the onset of online learning, these sustainable solutions are no more “nice-to-have” features. As a result, leading publishing houses, such as Penguin Random House, are incorporating eco-managed service and support systems to ensure minimum waste of books and reduction in emission of the carbon-di-oxide.

Offers Interactive Content

The benefits of making textbooks digital allows publishers to implement dynamic content, such as images, videos, quizzes, and many other features that make learning more fun and interactive. These features allow students to engage far more with their education, something static content in print material can not. E-books can also provide external links to additional resources and various multimedia interfaces, helping publishers to improve the readers’ learning curve.

To know more https://katalysttech.com/blog/publishing-content-management-system-digitizes-the-role-of-education-publishers/

Brian Burell
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