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How to Deal With a Constant Battle Turning Green At the Patio?

James smith
How to Deal With a Constant Battle Turning Green At the Patio?

Patio slabs need regular cleaning to prevent staining and erosion. Most people only ask this question, and although it s not uncommon to see the green stuff on the patio slabs, let me tell you that millions of homeowners all over the world also suffer from this problem. It s not that unusual to have the green-colored dirt on your patio slabs to be only a spring cleaning problem. However, once left untreated, it can become even more unattractive and will continue to spread. It can also become slippery as well, which can lead to disastrous accidents for unaware guests.

The first and most important tip in protecting your patio slabs is to properly prepare the area for cleaning. Before putting paving cloths or any other protective covering, clear off the pathway that leads to the kitchen, deck or patio. Take note that leaves, twigs, needles and all sorts of dirt can fall here, so make sure to keep this pathway clear. If there are not any trash receptacles at the edge of the garden, place a small garbage bin at its end. This will serve as a barrier against the falling debris, preventing any unwanted particles to fall into the gap.

Washing the Patio slabs After the pathway is clear, the next step to clean the Patio Slabs is to wash them using a commercial solution made specifically for the purpose of removing mold and algae. This solution can be purchased from any home improvement center. It is best to use plain water for cleaning purpose, as the commercial solutions are more effective in removing the green stuff from the patio slabs. You may pour a sufficient amount of the solution on the stained Patio Slabs, and scrub them with a soft sponge. However, you must be careful to keep the scrubbing motion subtle, as it may damage the slabs.

If the stains remain, the next step is to check for the presence of mold and algae. It is obvious that no homeowner would want to see his patio slabs become a perfect breeding ground for mold and algae, so one should take immediate action to eradicate it. There are numerous ways in which the homeowners can detect mold and algae growth on the Patio Slabs:

In order to get rid of the algae and mold growth, the homeowners need to carefully inspect the Patio Slabs every few weeks. While inspecting the Patio Slabs, the homeowners should be aware of the seasonal changes that may be taking place in the climate. For instance, during winter season, when there is less sunlight, the sunlight should not shine directly on the Patio Slabs, as this may result in the growth of the mold and algae. At the same time, the patio slabs should be allowed to receive some amount of direct sunlight, as this helps to ensure that the patio slabs are kept dry.

Another important way in which Patio Slabs needs to be cleaned regularly is by using natural stone cleaner. This is necessary because, if the patio slabs are left wet, they tend to soak up all the moisture. As a result, they start to look old and faded, just like they would have been years ago when they were newly installed in the outdoors. If you find that your slabs are not looking as clean and shiny as they should be, you need to clean them using a natural stone cleaner every few weeks.

In case the patio slabs have been damaged due to heavy rains or flooding, the homeowners should take immediate steps to repair them. If possible, they should use waterproof cement to repair the slabs, because this will help to prevent the growth of mold and algae on the slabs. However, if the damage has occurred due to algae or mold growing on the slabs, then it would be better to remove these slabs and replace them with new ones. Apart from removing the algae from the Patio slabs and repairing them, the homeowners can also use a natural stone cleaner on the patio slabs to get rid of any mold and algae that might have grown on them. If the damage is extensive, then the homeowner can consider getting the services of a reputed contractor, who would be able to perform an assessment and suggest the best solution for getting rid of the mold and algae growth from the slabs.

If you have a nice lawn and are in a position to care for it in a proper way, then you would not have to spend much time worrying about the maintenance of the slabs. However, if you are living in a place where there is a constant battle turning green, then you need to make sure that you have installed the green stuff on the Patio slabs, as that would help to save the outdoors from the damage caused by the algae and mold. The green stuff can help to regulate the level of oxygen in the atmosphere and prevent the presence of the dark spores, which are responsible for turning the outdoor areas of your home into humid and unbearable places. So, do not let the constant battle turn green at the Patio.

James smith
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