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Medical Drones Market Research, Size, Share, Revenue, Production Value, Future Growth Study and Strategic Assessment

Medical Drones Market Research, Size, Share, Revenue, Production Value, Future Growth Study and Strategic Assessment

The medical drones market size is expected to reach USD 947.6 million by 2027 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “Medical Drones Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, Drone Type (Fixed Wing, Rotor Drone and Hybrid Drones); By Application (Blood transfer, Drugs/Pharmaceutical Transfer, Vaccination Programs), End-Use (Emergency Medical Services, Government Organizations, and Blood Banks), By Regions; Segment Forecast, 2020 –2027” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth. 

Medical drones refer to the aerodynamic pods that are being deployed to transport key medical supplies that comprises of primary medical aids, vaccines, and drugs. Through the development of highly advanced technology has resulted in notable adoption of medical drones across the hospitals and military bases.

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Market participants such as Zipline, DJI, DHL, TUDelft, Flirtey, Embention, Matternet, Vayu, and EHang are some of the key players operating in the global market. Zipline drones, the frontrunner in the market, have cumulatively flown more than 1 million kilometres in Rwanda with more than 13 thousand deliveries. In the outskirts of Kigali, drones carried 35% of blood samples to be transfused. The Ghana the company is also started delivering COVID-19 testing kits. 

Players in the market have primarily adopted partnership strategy to strengthen their position in the global market. For instance, in June 2020, TechEagle has partnered with Zomato to boost the delivery of medical supplies via drones all across the regions in India that are facing floods and due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation. 

The UK based research firm Nesta in its report titled “Flying High” in collaboration with NHS discussed the possibilities of rapid transportation of medical necessities in between the UK hospitals based in London. This move could bring faster delivery, reliable cost cutting, and improved timely patient care, even to the accident areas. It is being estimated that the use of medical drones could result in saving USD 21 billion in the annual cost to the country’s economy.

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Polaris Market Research has segmented the medical drones market report on the basis of drone type, application, end-use, and region

Medical Drones by Drone Type Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2027)

  • Fixed Wing
  • Rotor Drone
  • Hybrid Drones

Medical Drones by Application Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2027)

  • Blood transfer
  • Drugs/Pharmaceutical Transfer
  • Vaccination Programs

Medical Drones by End-Use Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2027)

  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Government Organizations
  • Blood Banks

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