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Complicated Love Quotes: 85 Quotes About This Complex Feeling

Rohit kumar
Complicated Love Quotes: 85 Quotes About This Complex Feeling

Nothing is more painful than love without return, an unrequited love, a lost love ... Having said that, sometimes our love is reciprocal, but the distance, the difference, or quite simply our personalities make this love impossible to live with. day-to-day.

You should know that, without a storm, love fades, but too much distance or too much frustration makes lasting love impossible.

Don't hold back your emotions. Resist the temptation to get angry. Take care of yourself. Chat with your loved ones. The most important thing that you must remember is that it is going to take a while for you to regain your well-being.

Take care, take care of yourself, and before you even know it, you won't be as sad as before, you will be out of your grief and you won't be thinking about that person anymore.

Many famous authors have tried to describe the suffering that arises from complicated love and today we have decided to put together the most beautiful quotes on the topic of impossible love.

Check out our selection of the most beautiful love quotes that will make you face your pain and realize that you are not the only person in the world going through this difficult stage in life.

"Impossible is not French" once said Georges Courteline. Likewise, when we love each other, anything is possible… At least, everything should be. If there is one thing that is true, it is that love triumphs over all situations.

The heart has its reasons which go beyond logic.

And since impossible love don't just happen in the movies, we bring you these beautiful love quotes to help you overcome impossible love.

  1. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. - Paulo Coelho
  2. The happy couple who recognize themselves in love defy the universe and time; it is sufficient, it realizes the absolute. - Simone de Beauvoir
  3. The impossible does not seem to exist in love, only possibilities exist when we have gone through our fears and our resistances, or renounce erroneous projections on the other. - Jacques Salomé
  4. What is possible deserves a chance. - Albert Camus
  5. It is not love that is complicated, but people.
  6. In love, any miracle is possible. - Voltaire
  7. Nothing is impossible for those who know how to love well. - Pierre Corneille
  8. There is nothing impossible when we love each other. - George Sand
  9. No obstacle disturbs love, no effort terrifies it; he tries more than he can, for he knows nothing of the impossible. Love believes in its strength, and that all success is assured to it. - Charles Nodier
  10. Love triumphs over everything; let us also give in to love. - Virgil
  11. Love requires love; it is impossible to prefer without wanting to be preferred. - Henri Lacordaire
  12. Love in despair sees nothing impossible. - Philippe Quinault
  13. I know that the best love stories are impossible. When they become possible, it's something else, it's the duration that makes them beautiful. - Barbara
  14. You can live without money, but believe me, life without love is impossible. - Jennyka Negro
  15. Love is the best thing of the heart and one thing that changes the impossible. - Amini Cishugi

30 beautiful author quotes about a complicated love

  1. Impossible loves. I'm afraid they will become an addiction. - Cesare Borgia
  2. He who loves believes in the impossible. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  3. For warriors of light, impossible love does not exist. They don't let silence or rejection intimidate them. They know that behind the icy mask that people wear is a heart of fire. This is why warriors take more risks than others. They tirelessly seek love - even if that means hearing the word “no” over and over again, coming home defeated, feeling rejected in body and soul. The warriors do not let themselves be discouraged. Without love, life has no meaning. - Paulo Coelho
  4. But love is blind and lovers cannot see clearly. - William Shakespeare
  5. The course of true love has never been smooth. - William Shakespeare
  6. It is not enough to dream of impossible love - it must also be conquered. - Paulo Coelho
  7. With a little love and patience, nothing is impossible. - Daisaku Ikeda
  8. I like those who strive for the impossible. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  9. You don't choose who you fall in love with. There are so few people to love. It is even difficult for one adult to love another. Almost impossible. - Katharine Hepburn
  10. Love makes the exploitation of money contemptible; love makes class prejudices impossible; love makes selfish ambition something to be despised; love turns enemies into friends. - William Jennings Bryan
  11. We loved people we shouldn't have loved and we married others to forget our impossible loves, or we appealed for help to the world and ran away before anyone else. one cannot answer us. - Miranda July
  12. Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the command of the Great God, and he cannot command the impossible. Love is a fruit in season at all times and within the reach of all hands. Anyone can pick it and there are no limits. Everyone can achieve this love through meditation, the spirit of prayer, sacrifice through an intense interior life. There is no limit because God is love, love is God, the love of God is infinite. But the part is loving and giving until it hurts. That's why it's not about how much you make, but how much love you put into action. - Mother Teresa
  13. The three main characteristics of love are: Where there is love there is no question. Where there is love, there is no pain. Where there is love, nothing is impossible. - Harbhajan Singh Yogi
  14. Pity the selfishness of lovers: it is brief, it is a desperate hope; an impossible hope. - Elizabeth Bowen
  15. Nowadays, the main question we ask ourselves is: why is man unhappy? The answer is very simple. We have created a very fast-paced society, but we don't have a comfortable home, and without a comfortable home, we don't have a relaxed personality mental state. Without a relaxed personality mental state, you cannot cope with the speed of the outside world; it's impossible. - Harbhajan Singh Yogi
  16. The Byronian hero, incapable of loving, or capable only of impossible love, suffers unceasingly. He is lonely, languid, his condition exhausts him. If he wants to feel alive, it must be in the terrible exhilaration of a brief and destructive action. - Albert Camus
  17. Forgiveness is indifference. Forgiveness is impossible as long as love lasts. - Mary Boykin Chesnut
  18. It is impossible to love and be wise at the same time. - Francis Bacon
  19. It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist. - Muriel Spark
  20. The essence of love is this wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility can become inevitable. - Anita Brookner
  21. Sometimes we can like what we don't understand, but it is impossible to fully understand what we don't like. - Anna Jameson
  22. Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Love what you do until you no longer love it. Nothing is impossible. - Fetty Wap
  23. Everyone is in love with the impossible; the impossible gives you endless dreams and everlasting hopes. - Philippos Syrigos
  24. Love is an impossible concept. - Richey Edwards
  25. Nothing is impossible with pure love. - Mahatma Gandhi
  26. Love can sometimes achieve the impossible. - Nicholas Sparks
  27. It is impossible to love deeply without sacrifice. - Elisabeth Elliot
  28. Friendship and love are impossible without mutual vulnerability. - Henri Nouwen
  29. Unconditional love is love, no matter what is achievable or impossible. - Anthony Liccione
  30. Love creates bridges where it seems impossible. - Paulo Coelho
Rohit kumar
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