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ULD sharing platform skypooling can save 25,000 tons of CO2 annually

STAT Times
ULD sharing platform skypooling can save 25,000 tons of CO2 annually

The aviation industry is getting more involved in the environmental sustainability. Jettainer is become the solution for long-term and complex alternative drive and fuel solutions with its sharing platform skypooling that can currently make annual savings of around 25,000 tons of CO2 by avoiding unnecessary deadhead ULD (Unit Load Device) flights.

This no-cost platform allows airline controllers to share ULDs around the globe. skypooling helps avoid deadhead flights, reducing global aviation's fuel use, costs, and CO2 emissions.

Taking a more deliberate approach to ULDs as a resource has massive potential to make aviation more sustainable. Avoiding just one customary AKE container from going on an intercontinental flight empty can save an average of 65 kilograms of CO2. The savings are as high as roughly 3,000 kilograms for a stack of pallets. 

STAT Times
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