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ICON Accounting Top Accountancy firms in Ireland

Icon Accounting
ICON Accounting Top Accountancy firms in Ireland

As a top Accounting firm in Ireland, we provide an immediate sense of your earnings as a Contractor? Our free online tax calculator is all you need to compare your payments under a PAYE Umbrella Company, Director Umbrella Company, or Personal Limited Company.

If you think you will incur business expenses, you can input business expenses under Allowable Expenses and see how they affect your Net Pay as a Contractor. If you're new to Contracting, it can be difficult to know what you can and can't claim for. Don' worry as you'll be assigned a Payroll Account Manager who will be on hand to help and ensure you receive all entitlements and make the most of your Contract income.

With a full-time team of advisors, tax experts, payroll, and a dedicated contractor support crew, ICON Accounting can offer you the expertise, knowledge, and experience to fulfill all roles for contract tax, compliance, and administration.

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