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How To Use A Bi-Fold Funeral Program Templates

Custom Memorial Programs
How To Use A Bi-Fold Funeral Program Templates

Making a funeral program for a loved one who has passed away can be therapeutic. Grief can be made easier by remembering and highlighting special moments in their lives while creating a funeral program in the comfort of your own home with the help of Our Ready-Made Templates. 

Some funeral bulletin sizes use the single-fold funeral program format. A photo of the deceased can be used on the front cover, as well as an obituary, a schedule of services, and a poem or song lyrics for the back page if you choose this programming style. You can also include information about the pallbearers and acknowledgments for the deceased's family.

More and more families are using funeral program bi-fold brochures to create memorial keepsakes. With the help of a template like ours, you can create a service-oriented program. Because they're pre-formatted, you don't have to waste time converting them to a different fold type.

If you know exactly how much text and photos you want to include in the funeral program, bi-fold funeral program templates are a great format choice. Keep in mind that you will not be able to add pages to the brochure, so make sure your information fits accordingly before you begin.

Here are a few pointers on how to make the most of your funeral program:

  1. To begin, save your template to a convenient location on your computer's hard drive.
  2. In order to have a fresh start, duplicate the template and save yourself the trouble of having to redo everything from scratch if the worst happens.
  3. The third rule is to save your template often. Do not rely on your word processor's auto-saving features.
  4. Before the service begins, assemble all of your materials (such as funeral poems, funeral song lyrics, an obituary, and photos). To make life as simple as possible, get everything you need in electronic form so you can copy and paste it into your template.
  5. Cropping or resizing pictures before adding them to your template may make it easier to work with them.
  6. Proofreading makes it certain that your program is error-free by thoroughly checking for typos. Proofread with a second pair of eyes as well.
  7. Make a test copy and double-check your work.
  8. You should have enough ink or toner if you are printing at home.
  9. Make sure you know what file format the printer needs if you're going to a print or copy shop. 

Bereaved families prefer the brochure format because it folds up into a small package. A funeral service brochure can be easily created by using a custom memorial programs template. This helps you save a significant amount of both time and money. We can also make last-minute changes to the program based on your desires and directions.

Custom Memorial Programs
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