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Why Your Electric Bill Is So High

Trudy Seeger
Why Your Electric Bill Is So High

Do you, like most people, just get and pay your utility bills. You probably don’t pay much attention to numbers. But, what happens when your electricity bill becomes high? But, don’t worry. There is always something you can do to save some energy and money.

1. Top Reasons Your Electric Bill Is High

There are many reasons that you could have a high energy bill. How careful are you with your usage? You don’t probably pay too much attention to turning off the lights or unplugging devices you don’t use. Here are some of the top reasons for your high bills.

Vampire sources

Vampire sources are all those appliances and devices you leave plugged in when you don’t use them. Your chargers, adapters, even your television and kitchen devices continue to use energy long after you finished using them. Cutting off these vampires can be helpful in many ways.

Light bulbs

Do you ever pay attention to the type of light bulbs you buy when you shop for them? Nowadays, there are plenty of choices. One of the main reasons why energy-saving light bulbs are becoming popular is because they are better for the environment than traditional bulbs. Since they use less energy, they are much more likely to last for a long period and, therefore, offer you a great price on an energy-saving bulb. They also tend to last longer than standard bulbs, meaning you can keep putting off replacing them until they break or lose their light. This ensures you get good value for your money and that you won't be replacing the light bulb too often. Different kinds of light bulbs use different amounts of power and energy to light up your home. This reflects on your utility bills. 

Heating and cooling

Whether you use electricity or natural gas for heating the inefficient energy and thermostat use can be some of the main reasons for high bills.

Are you one of those people who like to turn their living room into a small refrigerator in summer or a personal sauna during cold winter days? Changing these habits can be very useful in sense of energy consumption.

2. Cut Your Energy Bill In Half With These Tips

If you often get high electricity bills maybe you should consider changing some of your energy consumption habits. By practicing energy conservation and upgrading old inefficient appliances you can save a significant amount of energy and money on your First Energy Ohio bill. Here are some ideas that can help you do this.

Unplug and turn off

How often do you run half-full loads of the washing machine or dishwasher? Do leave your lights on even though you are not using them?

Instead of doing what is the easiest, think about the most useful options. For instance, you don’t have to leave your chargers plugged in if you don’t need them anymore. Unplug them and save some energy.

Also, turn off the lights when you are not at home or you don’t need them to be on. Switch off appliances such as television or kitchen appliances when you aren’t using them.

Another tip that can help you save some energy in your Ohio home is choosing LED bulbs. They use 75% less energy than the traditional ones and their life span is much longer.

Buy a new programmable thermostat

Programmable or smart thermostats enable you to control the temperature in your home, even if you are not there. You can turn the heating system down when there is nobody at home, or turn it on and adjust the temperature before you return.

With each degree you lower the temperature in your home you can save 5-6% on your First Energy Ohio bill

Block the sun

Direct sunlight heats any space really quickly. So, you probably use your air conditioning a lot during hot summer days. Yet, utilizing curtains and blinds can block the sunlight and keep your place cooler. This will reduce the amount of energy your air conditioning use to provide a pleasant temperature for you in summer.

Final words

With all these appliances around us, it is really easy to waste energy and get a high electricity bill. Yet, with these tips, you can start taking care of your energy consumption and lower your bills. It's worth trying.

Trudy Seeger
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