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What is body worn camera

working the doors
What is body worn camera


Body worn camera is a small digital audio and video recorder that can be clipped to an article of clothing, or worn on the body, allowing for point-of-view recording. The recorded files are stored inside an SD or MicroSD card so they can easily be transferred onto a computer by simply plugging the device in.

Most people are familiar with police officers wearing body worn cameras, which are used to record traffic stops, arrests, and other interactions. However, the technology is growing in popularity for use in security guards. Although small versions of body worn cameras can be purchased at local retail stores or through online retailers, most interest comes from security companies.

A body worn camera is a relatively inexpensive investment, and it can save security companies time and money on legal fees. If an incident occurs, such as a theft of property or assault of an employee, the cameras can provide video evidence for use in court.

What is the purpose of body cameras?

One of the main purposes for use of body worn cameras is to protect security guards from false allegations. People make up stories all the time, and sometimes they do it because they want an excuse for their own poor behavior. 

False claims can be used as a way to get out of trouble or retaliate against someone who wronged them in some way. This is where a body camera comes in handy, the video evidence will provide the real story and protect employees from being accused of wrongdoing when they have done nothing wrong.

In addition to protecting employees from false claims, body cameras can save time and money because there is no need for visual memory recollection. Memory loss and poor recall often occurs in stressful situations such as witnessing a crime, and security guards are no exception. Having video evidence allows the witness's testimony to be supported by real-time proof of what happened during the incident.

How does a body cam work?

Body worn cameras are fairly straightforward in how they work. They record audio and video, which is then saved to an SD card inside the camera. The videos can be viewed on any device that has a standard USB port. A computer, smartphone, or tablet would all work fine for viewing purposes.

The footage captured by body cameras is usually set up in a way that allows the camera to record if it senses motion or sound within view of the lens, typically the record button can be pressed and the last 30/45 seconds of recording can be captured.

This is useful for ensuring that security guards are not missing anything important during their shift. The device can also be turned off, which will prevent it from capturing any recordings at all.

Is there any harm in using body worn cameras?

Although having video evidence for court proceedings sounds like a great idea, it can also be bad news for employees if they are accused or suspected of wrongdoing. Security guards do not have the same legal authority as police officers when it comes to conducting traffic stops or arrests, but that doesn't mean there won't be conflicts.

When looking at the benefit of having video evidence for court cases, it is easy to forget that those same videos can also be used against security guards in many different ways. Video recordings may show employees engaging in misconduct and could provide an opportunity for anyone wanting to file a lawsuit or formal complaint against them or their company.

As mentioned above, false claims are common when it comes to security guards. With video evidence of the employees' recorded activities, it often makes it much easier for people to make up stories or accuse them of wrongdoing later on. Once an incident is captured on camera, the recording can become part of a permanent record that could follow them around forever.

Are body cameras waterproof?

Body cameras come in two types, the first is a waterproof camera designed for outdoor use. The second type of body camera is not waterproof and can become damaged if exposed to water or other liquids.

The main reason why security guards will want to buy the waterproof version of these devices has to do with where they are often used. Security guards work in all types of weather, and the ability to use the camera under any conditions can make them more versatile.

This brings up an interesting point about the location where body worn cameras are used. They will typically be used outdoors or in areas with poor lighting conditions, which means they need to be durable enough to cope with different temperatures and weather conditions.

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