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Andy Farrell dared the Ireland dream of the magnificence of the Rugby World Cup

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Andy Farrell dared the Ireland dream of the magnificence of the Rugby World Cup

Irish coach Andy Farrell sounded the alarm for his team on Thursday, saying: "Why don't we dare to dream" of winning the Rugby World Cup in 2023. Farrell hopes to win the sport's highest accolade, which will be music to the ears of Irish rugby fans. While they have often entered the game with hope, they haven't even seen their team make it to the semi-finals. Rugby Fans can buy Rugby World Cup 2023 Tickets from our website.

The 46-year-old Englishman will face the test of Japan, New Zealand, and Argentina next month. At what stage does his team play against Japan and New Zealand - they both beat the Irish team in the 2019 World Cup - and are always the Argentine team of the Irish team. The bogey team in the quadrennial exhibition.

Farrell's team went into November's test with five consecutive wins, including arguably their most impressive feat when he took over after the 2019 World Cup, beating 32-18 in the England squad's Six Nations match in March.

"Why don't we dare to dream? Why can't we?" Farrell said via Teams.

"I'm sure there will be five or six or seven teams. There could be 10 teams in the same position for the World Cup, but why don't we take the challenge and use it to improve our journey? The road?

Farrell who took up his post as assistant to his predecessor Joe Schmidt - joked when asked which stage the Irishman is preparing for the World Cup.

"Halfway," he said with a warm smile, then added a more serious evaluation. Listen, there's always room for improvement. Rugby Fans can buy France Rugby World Cup Tickets from our website.

“So these three tests are good for us, to support one well with the other, we are always looking for reliability in performance. But there will be bumps in the journey, but these are good for us too, it’s all opportunities for us."

Farrell said all three tests represent danger and pose different challenges.

"We all know that the upcoming game will test us extensively," he said.

"We have a lot of respect for them, we had issues with the japan squad in the last Rugby World Cup. They are threats to the whole field.

"Then we've always been the best team in the world, the all-black team and finally the Argentine team. They're always physical and abrasive.

"This is the whole point of top rugby. It has a stable performance every week."

During Saturday and Sunday's Japan Test, Irish legend Johnny Sexton will make his first appearance for the country since his first game against Fiji in 2009.

Farrell said he would be delighted to see such a great servant of the Irish cause on Lansdowne Road, marked by a full seat - before Covid prevents the crowd from attending.

Farrell said Sexton is a rare bird. These players often don't know why they're so excited, He's a once-in-a-lifetime player".

"He combined all these things into one, I haven't said enough to that man. They like to perform on the big stage, they like to push the team to get better. They like to try to improve, they just like to be involved.

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