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Possible Botox Reactions To Skin & Body And How To Manage Them

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Possible Botox Reactions To Skin & Body And How To Manage Them

Botox in Brooklyn, just like any other type of treatment, may come with some possible reactions. Most of these possible reactions are not severe and should not cause a major concern. However, it is important to know how to manage them.

Mild pain, bruising and swelling

The reactions of Botox happen around the site of injection. Swelling, mild pain and bruising are common after injections. Even small needles can cause swelling or bruising. Bruising is caused when damaged blood vessels bleed into the surrounding area.

What to do about it

You should ensure your head is elevated above your heart all the time. Apply ice at regular intervals for two or three days after treatment. You should also avoid drinking alcohol after the injection and a day before the injection. Avoid blood thinners and follow the instruction given by your mobile Botox clinic.

Flu-like symptoms

Flu-like symptoms may occur in some patients within the first month after treatment. They are commonly described as moderate or mild. The symptoms can be defined as an infection to the upper respiratory tract associated with fatigue and fever.

What to do about it

 It is easy to treat flu-like symptoms just as you would treat any flu. You should rest and drink a lot of water. You should avoid a cold bath and use a humidifier. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor before you take any medications after the procedure.

A headache

After forehead injections, some patients may experience headaches. This may be due to over contraction of some facial muscles, potential impurities in the Botox injection and accidental bumping of the forehead’s frontal bone.

What to do about it

The cause of headache after Botox Brooklyn treatment may be unknown but it is simple to treat a headache with over-the-counter medication. Over the counter medication should relieve headaches within a few hours.

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